Chapter 4

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My body reacts before my mind does. Before I know it I'm running to the fence, into the woods. I quickly duck under the fence, and carry on running. I become out of breath - which is unusual seeing as in school I was the best long distance runner - so I rest on a nearby rock. I think through what Snow said again.
Shall be reaped from their existing pool of victors
The only victors we've got is me, Haymitch and Peeta... Peeta! I've got to save him, even if it's the last thing I do.
I run back to the fence as fast as I can but then come to an holt. I hear a quiet buzzing sound. The fence is alive with electricity. I start to panic but calm myself down. It's ok. Gale and I have been in this situation before. We just scaled a tree which is a near drop on the other side of the fence. I try to find a tree with an appropriate drop and after 5 minutes I find a tree that will have to do. I quickly climb to tree and shuffle along the branch. As soon as I look down, I gulp. I'm higher than I thought. I either jump and possibly crack a bone, or stay in the woods and be at mercy to wild animals. I decide to jump.

3...2...1... I'm in the air for about half a second, and then I'm on the ground. The pain is so excruciating, I want to scream aloud in agony. I know I can't of course. My tail bone and my left foot are the worst injuries as they are throbbing. I hope I haven't done serious damage.

I try to stand up but I'm on the ground again and I feel faint because of how much pain I'm in. After trying and failing to stand up, I give up. After about half an hour, it's pitch black. I know my family and Peeta will be worried so I try to push through the pain and bite my tongue. I find a stick near me and slowly crawl over to it. I stand up hesitantly propping myself up against the stick and begin the walk home.

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