Chapter 15

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The next morning, I wake up feeling sick. It's not morning sickness, more like anxiety. Today is the last day I will ever get to spend with Peeta before the games. Not to mention tonight, when we have our mandatory-viewing interviews. I turn around and see Peeta sleeping peacefully, with his arm wrapped protectively around my large bump.

Getting hungry, I gently try and move Peeta's arm from around me so I can get up and get some breakfast. I push off the soft covers and clamber awkwardly out of bed. He stirs a bit, but doesn't waken. As I leave our bedroom, I smell a waft of delicious food floating through the air. I sit down at the table, joining Haymitch, piling fresh sausages, eggs, bacon and fried mushrooms on my plate.

Haymitch and I are too busy concentrating on the luscious food to make conversation. Once we do finish eating, I ask him about the itinerary for today.
"Well Sweetheart, since you've done interviews with Caesar before, I don't really need to guide you on what you should do or say, so today you can do whatever you like." He gives me a wink but I ignore it. This means I can spend the whole day with Peeta doing whatever we like. I smile to myself as I realise this will include a lot of kissing and relaxing. Haymitch seems to notice me smiling to myself, so he chuckles as my cheeks turn red.

We leave the table and sit down on the sofa, until Haymitch spills his drink all over the cushions and asks an avox to help clean it up. I feel uncomfortable, so I decide to check on Peeta. As I make my way to our bedroom, I check a clock on the wall to see the time. 9:45am. It's not too early to wake Peeta. I open the door and tiptoe quietly to the bottom of the bed. I decide to wake him in a fun way, so I open the windows as far as they will go - which isn't very far because of safety precautions - and after the count of three, I will yank the covers off him.

3...2...1! I pull as hard as I can on the covers, which fly off him, letting the cold morning air bite his bare chest. He makes a funny noise and sits up, wrapping his arms around himself, shielding his bare skin from the chilly gusts of air. He glares at me, while I'm almost on my knees, wetting myself from laughter.
"You're going to pay for that Miss Everdeen!" Peeta giggles, getting up from the bed before putting on a dressing gown. Unexpectedly, he then chases me around the massive bedroom. Unfortunately, as a 7 month pregnant woman, he catches up with me almost immediately and starts to tickle me. I scream in delight and laughter, trying to get away but unable to, as his strong arms wrap around my waist.

I wish I could just freeze this moment in time, and live in it forever.

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