Chapter 24

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I wake up the next morning with the group busy packing up our precious belongings. I sit up and see Peeta cradling Orla, who has now got a pristine-white new nappy on. Peeta sees me sit up and comes over to me with her, giving me a morning kiss. I happily return it and break away smiling. Peeta hands me Orla so I can feed her, while he goes to a nearby tree to collect water.

Johanna hands me some weird fruit that they're all eating, so I decide it must be ok. I carry Orla for a little walk just along the beach. It's nice to be alone, but I know there must be cameras following me. I try not to dwell on that fact.

I pop a fruit in my mouth, and enjoy the delicious flavour. I walk for a bit longer, and then decide to head back, remembering that we've got our plan to finish. When I turn around to start walking back to camp, I notice Peeta staring at me, smiling. I feel my cheeks getting hot, so I stare at the ground, hoping he doesn't notice.

When I get back, he hands me some warm water, soothing my dry throat. I give Orla some milk, and then ask Beetee when we're going to do the plan.
"Well, we'll do it at night, when lightning strikes the tree. You, Orla and Johanna will take the coil down to the beach at midnight, while Peeta and Finnick protect me." He says.
"Why can't Peeta come with Orla and me, and Johanna and Finnick protect you?" I ask, already feeling anxiety.
Finnick, who comes out of the tree line, says, "Do we have a problem here?" I immediately tense up, and quickly say no. I feel uncomfortable about the plan, but Beetee assures me that I'll meet up with Peeta again, after he electrocutes the beach.


It's almost midnight, so we all decide to start heading to the tree now. This afternoon, Johanna and I made a carrier out of large palm leaves, so Peeta and I can carry Orla and have our hands free. I walk beside Peeta, hand in hand with him carrying Orla on his back. She sleeps soundly, probably knowing Peeta is willing to protect her with his life. After about a fifteen minute walk, we get to the Lightning Tree, and have a quick rest. Finnick collects some water, while Beetee gets his coil prepared.

I'm still nervous about splitting up with Peeta at midnight, but if all goes to plan, I'll see him shortly after. Johanna wants to get as much distance from the coil and the beach, so suggests we start hiking with the coil now. I unwillingly agree and Peeta hands Orla in her carrier so I can place her on my front. She stirs a bit, but doesn't waken. I kiss Peeta goodbye, and head to the beach with Jo. Even with him behind me, I can still feel his worried eyes on my back.

We've been walking for ten minutes, Orla happily sleeping, and Johanna leading the way. All of a sudden I have to come to a stop, as something pulls against the coil. I turn around only to see it snap and fling back towards me. The metal wire flicks my wrist, which hurts immensely. Johanna pushes me to the ground, in which I luckily fall on my back, not hurting Orla. She cuts my wrist and digs around with the knife, blood going everywhere. I bite my tongue, trying to hold in the pain. Fortunately, I only whimper, which doesn't wake Orla.

"Stay down!" Johanna whispers in my ear, then running off into the surrounding trees. I stay hidden behind a rock, waiting for Johanna to leave me. I'm about to get up when I see two tributes run past. Finally, when they do, I get up and try to look for Peeta, but black spots appear at the corners of my vision. My body is protesting movement, but I keep on stumbling forward, desperate to be in Peeta's arms.

"Peeta!" I scream, hoping he'll answer back. Unfortunately, he doesn't, and I'm only answered back with the silence of the jungle. I hear movement ahead of me, so I duck next to a nearby bush.
"Katniss?" Finnick whispers, his trident held in front of him. I don't reply, afraid he'll attack Orla and I.

As I stare at him through the bushes, his gaze finally meeting mine. I run as fast as I can, heading for the tree where Beetee and Peeta could be. I arrive and see a jittery Beetee on the floor, smoke arising from his wetsuit. He must've been electrocuted. A load of coil is wrapped around the artificial trunk of the Lightning Tree, so I pick the end up, and grab an arrow from my sheath.

I place Orla on the floor behind me carefully, not wanting to disturb her sleep. As soon as Finnick realises what I'm doing, he speaks up.
"Katniss, get away from that tree!" I ignore him and carry on wrapping the coil.
I can hear the storm building up above me, it's thunder rumbling throughout the jungle. I aim my arrow right up to the sky, where the ceiling of the dome is. If I don't time this arrow perfectly, all is lost.

Just when the lighting hits the tree, I release the arrow. It flies up into the sky, the coil following it. Even from below, I see the arrow light up, extreme amounts of electricity flowing through it. I'm electrocuted back, paralysed throughout my body, watching the arena explode. Somewhere in the distance I hear Peeta scream Orla's and my name, but I can't reply. Massive chunks of the dome come crashing down, destroying all the artificial trees in it's way.

I try with everything I've got left in me, to crawl over to Orla who's now screaming and crying, and throw my body over her tiny little structure. But I can't. My body is as good as dead. I would try and close my eyes so I don't have to watch this destruction. The most I can do is just look up. Block everything out around me, and just picture loved one's faces.



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