Chapter 19

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I've been walking around for about 15 minutes now, and I still haven't found any water. I've shot down two monkey looking-animals, and have collected some nuts that I'll ask Mags about. I've stayed in the mile radius Peeta ordered me to, but if I keep looking for any longer, he'll start to get worried.

I head back and see the camp totally transformed. Instead of the ground being dirty and crowded, there's now a little carpet of woven palm. There's a shelter over our heads to give us some shade and to protect us from rain. Thinking about it, there probably wouldn't be any rain, since the GameMakers wouldn't be that nice. As soon as Peeta sees me emerge from the trees, he instantly runs up to me and gives me a hug. It's quite awkward, as the monkeys are in between us, pressing against Peeta and I.

"I wasn't that long, Peeta," I chuckle.
"I know, but I like to have you in my arms, protecting you and the baby." Peeta says, being caring as always.
"Come on now, let's cook up this meat. Have you found any water here?" I ask, hoping the answer is positive. Unfortunately, it's not.
The Game Makers must want to make it dark already, as it must be mid afternoon and it's turning darker by the minute. We all lay down on the floor, me cuddled up next to Peeta, both of us covered in sweat, from the humidity of the jungle. Our throats are also dry, and we can't soothe it, because there's no damn water in this arena.

Just before we go to sleep, the sky lights up with the deceased tributes. During the night, nothing happens apart from the few kicks the baby gives us, reassuring us it's alive.
The next morning, I am awoken by the murmurs of Finnick and Peeta, with what seems to be, a talk about me. I keep my eyes closed, pretending to be asleep but actually listening to their conversation.
"How's Katniss doing?" Finnick asks.
"I mean, she's alright, just extremely stressed and nervous about the whole situation." Peeta answers, worry thick in his voice.
"Well Peeta, I promise you, she will survive as well as the baby." Finnick says confidently.

I roll over, making it clear to the men that I've woken up.
"Good morning, my love," Peeta says softly.
"Morning," I say, trying to get up. When Peeta realises what I'm trying to do, he immediately gets up and gives me a hand. I'm so heavy now, that I feel I'm going to burst any day.
We've all got terrible headaches from dehydration, and everyone is concerned about the baby, as it can't be doing too well under the circumstances. Today, we all head off in hopes of finding water.

Peeta takes front, then me, then Mags, and at the end, Finnick. Peeta's violently chopping up the vegetation to make our pathway clear. At the moment, we're not really worried about anybody finding us, as we'll probably die of thirst first. Peeta carries on chopping while I see something ahead glimmer. My mind flashes back to Training, when Beetee and Wiress were explaining force fields.
"Peeta! No!" I scream. Unfortunately, it's too late. As soon as he touches the force field with the machete, he flies back, knocking all of us to the ground. Luckily, I land on my bottom and not my stomach, so the baby's not hurt. Half a second later, my attention is all on Peeta, as I realise he's not breathing.

"Peeta!" I scream.
"He's not breathing!" I shout to no one in particular. Finnick gently but firmly pushes me to the side, as he tries to get to Peeta. At first I think he's trying to kill him, as he squeezes his nose shut. When he finally connects his lips to Peeta's, I realise he's giving him mouth to mouth. Finnick gives Peeta CPR, and after an agonisingly long two minutes Peeta draws in a sharp breathe. I instantly crawl up to him, hugging him while sobbing. I kiss him on the mouth, snot everywhere. I don't care. He's alive, and that's all that matters to me right now.

Nothing could distract me now, apart from the most excruciating pain coming from my lower abdomen.

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