Chapter 12

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The next morning I wake up and Peeta's gone. I get up and get ready. I jump into the shower and after ten minutes, I leave, smelling like flowers. I put on some tight black jeans and a green silk top and finally, brush my teeth.

As I walk to the dining room, I hear voices of Effie Haymitch and Peeta. They seem to be talking about the training today. At first, I'm a bit hurt because of them not waiting for me, but soon, curiosity takes over.

Before missing any more of the conversation, I quickly turn the corner and sit at the table. It's covered in so many fruits that I can't name, but I try as many as I can anyway. I then realise no one's talking.

After an awkward silence, I decide to speak up.
"So what's the strategy for training today?"
"Umm..." Haymitch pauses. "Well because you're both going to be with each other in the arena, you're going to waste time going through the stations together. That means you both need to do different stations." As Haymitch finishes, he knows I don't get what he's saying.
"That means you won't be with each other." He concludes.

This year I feel particularly nervous because we are with experienced killers. Let alone not being together in training. I don't want to admit it to myself, but I'm petrified. How am I going to protect this baby? Of course Peeta will protect the both of us but-
Haymitch interrupts my thoughts by saying:
"Obviously because you're pregnant, you'll be laying off most of the physical activities. That doesn't mean you don't have to do edible plants and fire building stations. It would also be good for you to practice your aim in archery." He orders.

Peeta can tell I'm extremely nervous with the whole matter, so he gives me a gentle reassuring squeeze. I look at his ocean blue eyes, and they look back at mine, and just by that, it calms me.

After we finish breakfast, we change into the training outfits the Capitol provided us with. They made me an extra large one, to cover the bump. The deal was to announce the pregnancy on the interviews.

Effie escorts us to the lifts to the training centre and wishes us luck. As we head through the doors of the training centre, Peeta gives me one quick kiss on the lips and heads off to the spear-throwing station where is Brutus is at.

After looking around, to see where to start, I head to the knot tying station. It's unoccupied, so I get to enjoy the peace and quiet. I struggle with a challenging knot for about fifteen minutes, until tanned arms wrap around me and finish the knot off in seconds. I immediately wriggle out of the arms when I realise it's not Peeta. It's Finnick Odair, District 4.

"Hello, Katniss." Finnick says, with a grin planted on his face.
"Finnick," I answer, without returning the smile.

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