Chapter 13

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After an hour of Finnick teaching me useful knots for the arena and just chatting about what it's like in District Four, I move on to another station. As I walk around deciding what to do next, I spot two people trying to light a fire at the fire station. Haymitch said to make allies, so allies I will make.

When I walk over to the people, they introduce themselves as Beetee and Wiress. I show them how to place their hands when starting a fire and soon, one is lit.
"Thank you," Beetee says, putting his hands near the fire to warm up. I notice Wiress look up to the Gamemakers, and say:
"By the corner of the table." Confused by this, I look up and try to find what she is looking at.
"Plutarch Heavensbee?" I question. In my peripheral vision, I see Wiress shake her head.
"A force field." Beetee answers. I laugh at this, as the Gamemakers probably thought I would try and shoot at them again, the same as last year. Now it's Beetee and Wiress who are confused. I put their confusion at ease as I explain. I don't defend myself by explaining why I shot the arrow.
"I shot an arrow at the Gamemakers." I say, memories flooding through my brain from the 74th Games. I can't be sure, but I swear I saw Beetee smile at this.

Finally lunch is called, and I hurriedly run as fast as I can - for a pregnant woman - to Peeta.
"Hey there," Peeta chuckles as I fling myself at him for a hug. Overprotective as he is, he surreptitiously moves his hand over my stomach to make sure the baby's ok. Before letting suspicion arise from the other victors, we go sit down and begin to serve ourselves. Luckily the chefs cooked plum and lamb stew, so I pile as much as I can, on my plate. As I look up, I see Peeta raise an eyebrow at me with a grin on his face. I'm never going to hear the end of it from him now about how much I'm eating.

After another hour and a half of training, we are allowed to leave. Peeta and I link hands and make our way to the elevator up to the top floor. As soon as we step out of the elevator, Effie and Haymitch are there to greet us.
After changing out of our uncomfortable training clothes and into pyjamas, Peeta connects my lips to his. Every time he does this, I get butterflies in my stomach. Haymitch was right; I could live a thousand lifetimes and not deserve this boy.
"So, how did you do, Sweetheart?" Haymitch asks, all of us sitting in the living room, with Peeta and I wrapped up in a blanket together. His hand soothingly rubs my stomach. These people are the only one people I don't have to hide my stomach from.
"I did alright, I guess. I stayed away from all the physical activities, like Peeta and you asked me." I give them a glare, unhappy about not being able to exercise.
"And you, Peeta?" Haymitch asks, dodging my glare.
"Same as Katniss, although I did do the physical activities." Peeta gives me a handsome smirk. I give him a playful slap on the arm as a response.

After talking some more about allies, I drift off to sleep. In a while, I feel strong arms lift me up, and carry me, presumably, to bed. This just shows how strong Peeta is; he has no problem carrying a 7 month pregnant woman.

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