Chapter 16

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After spending the morning talking and relaxing on the roof, it's time to get ready and prepped for the interviews tonight. Peeta and I have no idea what we're meant to be wearing, but are sure that Cinna and Portia have something prepared. Unfortunately, we have to split up to get ready, so I give Peeta a kiss on the lips, and then hurry off to my prep team.

They spend three hours doing my hair and makeup, until Cinna comes in to put me in a dress. He makes me close my eyes, and doesn't allow me to open them until every thing is perfect and adjusted where necessary. When I'm finally allowed to see, I gasp. I'm in a beautiful wedding dress which is slightly flamboyant. It's a strapless, slightly sparkly, rippled dress, which has a long, white, spotless train.

By the time I've arrived behind the stage, 5 tributes have already been interviewed. Minutes later, Peeta arrives in a white suit, with a perfect white rose in the breast pocket. He presses his lips to mine, and holds my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I break away and ask him if I should tell the audience about the pregnancy.
"I don't want to pressure you to say it, Kat, so say whatever makes you happy."
"I think I'll tell them, seeing as I'm the one who's pregnant," I joke. He smiles and puts his hand on my slightly obvious bump.
"I can't explain to you how beautiful you look, my love." He compliments me and I feel my cheeks heat up.
"I wish you could see how handsome you look," I reply, giving him another kiss.

Before I know it, the District 11 man has finished and I'm about to be called up. I breathe in and out heavily, waiting for my name to be called.
"And for the person you've been waiting for, please welcome to the stage, Katniss Everdeen, District 12!" I hear Caesar call out to the audience.
I walk out from the wings, with a smile planted on my face. Since Haymitch didn't guide me about what I should say, I guess he had enough trust in me to say what I want.

"My, my. Katniss you look fabulous!" Caesar cheekily says.
"Thank you, Caesar!" I reply back, playing along.
"Now Katniss, how have you and Peeta been doing since we left you after the Victory Tour?"
"We've been great, apart from finding about the Quarter Quell." I hear sympathetic 'awwws' coming from the audience.
"Have you got anything to tell us?" Caesar prompts me. What! How does he know? 
"Are you engaged? Have you decided anything about marriage?" I silently sigh in relief, realising he doesn't know about the baby - not yet, anyway.

After finding out about the baby back in District 12, Peeta proposed to me - I said yes of course, - but we've kept it a secret to everyone apart from Haymitch, Peeta's family and my family. We decided not to tell Effie because - as much as we love her - she's a blabber mouth and the whole Capitol would know. But now it's time

"Well Caesar, do you think our friends here could keep a secret?" I question.
"That depends on what the secret is..." He says, bouncing on the edge of his seat.
"Peeta and I are engaged!" I say happily. People in the audience are screaming with delight, and some are even crying with happiness.
"Right, Caesar, I've got the biggest secret you would want to know..." I tease.
"Do tell, do tell!" Caesar exclaims. I whisper it to him first, trying to keep the audience filled with suspense. When I've finished telling him, his mouth is wide open and he is frozen with shock.
"I think you should tell the audience now, Katniss." He asks.
"Well, uh... I'm, pregnant!" I call out, watching people react. Some scream and call out, while others even faint.
"By seven months, to be exact, but this wedding dress covers it well," I say, looking at Cinna in the audience, who's indicating for me to twirl. So that is what I do.

As I begin to spin, I see the bottom of my dress begin to catch fire. Smoke arises around me, but I keep on spinning. When I stop, my dress feels much lighter.

I lift up my arms, and hear gasps erupting from the audience. My dress is now black with feathers, and my arms are now wings.

Cinna has turned me into a Mockingjay.

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