Chapter 10

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The light shines through the curtains, lighting up the room. My fingers search through the duvet to seek Peeta's warmth, but the all I find is cold. I open my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the brightness while shoving the covers off me. I'm only in my nighttime shorts and tank top, so I put on a dressing gown to look more appropriate. I grab one from the back of the door, and head to the dining cart. I see Haymitch, Effie and Peeta sitting around the table, eating breakfast.
"Good morning Sweetheart." Haymitch says, while spreading some jam on toast.
"D'you want some breakfast Kat?" Peeta asks. When I come to think of it, I'm not that hungry.
"No, I'm fine thanks. I'm actually not that hungry." I admit. Peeta gives me a concerning look.
"Kat-" Peeta says, but Haymitch immediately interrupts.
"Look, Sweetheart. If you're not eating because of what I said last night, I assure you, it was just a joke."
"Please eat." Peeta pushes a plate towards me, with scrambled eggs and crispy bacon on it.

Afterwards, I just end up eating the scrambled eggs and a slice of bacon. Half an hour later, we end up arriving at the Capitol.

The peacekeepers escort us to our floor. District 12; the penthouse again. It's like I'm on a totally different floor, because like Haymitch said, they've saved us no expense. It's been all redecorated, but I couldn't care less about what it looks like. I'm only going to be here for a few days before heading off into the games.

Unlike last time, they've now given Peeta and me a big bedroom to share. I walk over to the massive bed and lie down. I close my eyes for a few minutes until I feel bile jump at the back of my throat. I quickly run to the toilet, making it just in time. I hear Peeta's footsteps in the bedroom.

"Katniss?" Peeta calls out. I can't answer him because I'm still being violently sick. As soon as he knows I'm in the bathroom, he opens the door and is by my side. He rubs circles on my back while holding back my hair. Afterwards, I wash my mouth out and brush my teeth.

Peeta carries me bridal style to the bed and tucks me in. Before drifting off to sleep, I say, "At some point, we need to tell Haymitch and Effie."
"I know. How about at dinner tonight?" He asks softly.
I murmur a 'yes' but I'm not sure he understands.

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