Chapter 21

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Our Baby Girl is beautiful. She's got brown hair like me, but when she opened her eyes, they were bright blue  like Peeta's. Our Baby Boy was exactly like Peeta. Blonde hair and blue eyes. He also had a few freckles on his cheeks.

No one's spoken for the past two hours. If we do, it's just to ask if anybody wants any water. I decide Peeta and I can't keep calling the baby girl, Baby Girl so I ask him about names.
"Peeta, we've got to name her something. What names do you like?" I start.
"Well, I like Orla and Amelia, but of course your choice is the final decision."
"I kind of like Orla. You can choose the middle name," I tell him.
"Maybe... Harper or Shrader." He pauses. "Shrader." He concludes.
"That's beautiful, Peeta. Orla Shrader Mellark." I finish.

I feel uncomfortable about not naming our deceased little boy, so I ask Peeta about boy names.
"Peeta, I think we should name our little boy," I ask, unsure of his reaction. He comes over to me, and gives me a tight squeeze.
"Of course, Kat. That would be lovely," He says, tears forming in his eyes.
"What about Kale?" I suggest.
"Beautiful. Can I choose the middle name again?" He asks quietly.
"While you were pregnant, I thought that the middle name could be Rue?" He proposes.
Tears threatening to spill over my eyes, I nod yes, a smile on my face. Both names couldn't have been anymore delightful.

Orla Shrader Mellark and Kale Rue Mellark.

We comfort one other, and fall asleep with Orla safe in our arms. When I wake up, it's pitch black. I sit up, and notice everyone's asleep. That's dangerous. Anybody could come up to us, and kill us without a problem. Orla senses movement, so begins to stir. She begins to cry, and no wonder, she's probably starving. I attach her to myself, and next thing I know, she's fast asleep again. 

I decide to take night shift, and half an hour in, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Something's not right. I look behind me, and notice fog slither towards us. I get up, trying not to disturb anyone, and head over to the mysterious fog. I reach forward, touching the weird mist. Half a second later, I scream in agony.

I pull back my hand, now covered in blisters. Everybody wakes from the noise, and stand up. Peeta instantly comes running up, but I push him back.
"Take Orla and run as far away from this fog as you can." I say, before I scream in pain again, as the fog creeps up my back. He grabs my hand and we run towards the beach. In my peripheral vision, I see Finnick carrying Mags on his back. I'm falling behind, so Peeta who's carrying Orla, slows down to help me. I push him forwards, but it's no use. After a second, he's covered in painful puss blisters. Luckily he shields Orla by keeping her against his stomach, his arms wrapped securely around her.

I hear Finnick scream in pain, as the fog must've reached him too. I slow down enough, to see Mags give Finnick a kiss on the lips, and enter the fog. The unmistakable boom of the canon echoes throughout the night sky, signalling that another tribute is dead. I pick up the pace again, and then suddenly tumble down an unexpected hill. Peeta tries to catch me, but ends up falling too.
"Orla!" I scream to Peeta.
We come to a stop at the bottom of the hill, watching Finnick fall and then coming to a stop next to us, on his stomach. No one is able to get up, so we wait for the fog to consume us. I close my eyes, and think about Mother, Father, Prim, Peeta, Gale, Orla, Kale and everyone else that I've loved. Goodbye world. I think to myself.

I would've thought the fog would have hit us by now, so I open my eyes and see a dome protecting us. I slowly turn my head to the side, where I see Orla nestled in leaves, not a blister in sight. Peeta protected her well. I then shift my eyes to Peeta, where I see him stare back at me. We both start to become hysterical.

After a few minutes, we both calm down, and start to realise how much pain we're in. I look over to my left and see a lake. I slowly crawl over to it, leaving Peeta with Orla and Finnick, and put my hand in the warm water. I scream in agony, but then after a few seconds, the blisters on my hand are gone, as well as the pain. I gently put my whole body in, and for a couple seconds, I see black dots appearing at the corner of my eyes. Finally, the blisters and the pain recedes, so I get up, and pull Peeta into the water. He screams, until the pain and the blisters are gone.

We realise that Finnick is lying on the jungle floor, unable to move, so we gently haul him into the water. He wails and curses, but after five minutes, he's recovered and is able to collect weapons. Peeta runs over to Orla as she starts to whimper. Peeta suggests she's hungry, so I sit under a tree, and begin to feed her. She instantly calms down, and while Finnick guards and quietly sobs over Mags' death, Peeta, Orla and I have some private family time. Peeta tickles Orla, and she giggles, revealing her toothless smile.

She couldn't be more adorable. The only thought running through my mind right now is:

I'm going to sacrifice myself to get Peeta and Orla out of here. Alive.

Author's Note
Hey guys! I'm really sorry that this chapter isn't up to my normal standard. I've had a bit of writer's block, and it was harder than I thought to write about the baby.
Sorry again,

Thank you for 1K reads! That's incredible! Thanks! For this, the next chapter will be EXTRA long.

Thank you!

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