Chapter 23

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I see Finnick dive in again, trying to retrieve the body that is now slowly floating away. When he finally gets back to us, we identify the body straight away. Wiress. The canon must have boomed while the world was spinning rapidly around us. When we say our goodbyes to her, we let her float in the water, ready to be picked up by a hovercraft.

Beetee has tears silently flowing down his face, morning the loss of his dear friend. We might never have discovered the valuable piece of information; the arena is a clock. I collect Orla from Johanna's arms, where she sleeps in peace. We all get off the island, and set up camp between the beach and the jungle. I hand Orla to Peeta, who gladly accepts her, and then tell everyone I'm going hunting as I'm sick of fish. Peeta immediately objects and is about to hand Orla to Johanna again, but I stop him.
"Peeta, you know I'll be quicker and quieter by myself. I promise I'll head straight back if I sense danger," He still thinks it's dangerous, but after awhile he allows me to go, with Johanna following a few meters behind.

Fifteen minutes later, Johanna and I are deep in the jungle when she tells me she's going to collect some water. This means I can be by myslef and collect my thoughts for the first time in days. Being left alone is not exactly what Peeta wanted...

I get to spend half an hour hunting before Johanna comes back, hydrated again. Her eyes widen when she sees how many monkeys I've caught.
"Wow. I never actually knew how good you were with a bow." Johanna comments.
"Thanks," I say, awkwardly. We start to head back, as Peeta and the others might get worried.

Jo and I arrive a few metres away from Peeta, when I come to a stop. I notice how he plays with Orla, bouncing her on his knees, and even for just a few days old, Orla's smiling and giggling. My heart melts straight away, and I let a few tears escape, knowing I will never be able to be with them again after the arena.

As soon as Orla notices me, she lets out a squeal which makes Peeta turn his head in my direction. He gets up and gives me a family hug with Orla in between us. Being careful not to squish her, Peeta gives me an affectionate kiss on the lips.

He catches me up on what happened since Johanna and I were gone. Apparently they've made a plan, but Peeta would only accept if I did. Once Beetee explains it fully, I think about whether to agree or not.
This could mean Peeta and Orla could get out of here. This plan would give them a better chance. Just agree and follow along.
"I think we should agree to it, as that will give Orla a better chance to get out of here." And you, I think to myself, as I tell Peeta what I think we should do.

Of course he follows my decision, so we tell Beetee we'll help. I feed Orla again, as she starts crying for more food. As the evening darkens, we all settle down at the edge of the forest, Peeta wrapping Orla and me in his arms. My eyes slowly close when I hear a tinkling sound. I've heard this sound before. A parachute! I sit up, looking around for the parachute in the night's light, when the others help me look for it. We finally find it, and I carefully open the precious object. This parachute's a bit larger than previous ones, so I'm filled with curiosity before I open it. When I do open it, and I'm filled with relief. It has everything a mother could want.

Nappies, lotion, talcum powder, powdered milk, nappy cream and finally, baby wipes. I look up to the sky, and whisper;
"Thank you Haymitch," Because after all, for this far into the games and how many items were in this parachute, this must have cost a lot of sponsors.

Author's Note
Hey guys! I'm really sorry this chapter isn't exciting, as I'm suffering from Writer's Block at the moment, and have no idea what to write. I've also just started school agin, so I have less time.

I will get back on track and start writing quality chapters again, though.
Thank you guys!

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