Chapter 9

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As I get seated around the table, I hear Haymitch and Peeta talking about what to expect for the upcoming games.
"Nice for you to join us, Sweetheart." Haymitch says sarcastically. While I zone out of conversation, I see an avox serving plum and lamb stew on my plate. I practically inhale all of my food. I ask for a second serving - since I'm eating for two now - while Haymitch gives me a look.

"Cut back on the food, Sweetheart. I notice you're gaining weight. We better train you up. That includes you as well, Peeta." Haymitch teases. Even though I have an excuse to be putting on some weight, I'm still hurt a bit by Haymitch teasing me about my weight. Apparently it shows on my face too.

"Look, Sweetheart. I was only teasing. Don't get upset." Haymitch says softly. He wouldn't normally use a soft voice, but I expect he feels sorry for Peeta and I. He was probably the first out of us three, to realise only one person could survive the games. The game makers wouldn't allow us to defy the Capitol again. I'm pretty sure, my death has already been arranged.

That night, Effie, Haymitch, Peeta and I sit on the sofas, watching the quell games. The 25th and 50th. After that, I decide I'm tired and head to bed. Minutes later, I hear Peeta come in. He changes into his pyjamas, and lies in bed next to me.
"You do realise I'm going to do everything humanly possible to get you and our little one out of that arena alive." His voice is full of certainty.
"So you must realise that I'll be doing exactly the same for you," I say, waiting for his reaction. He just gives a sigh as he knows fighting about it now isn't going to help anyone. I kiss him on the lips, until one of us has pull away for air.
"Night, I love you," I say, before heading into a nightmare-filled sleep. He says something else but I'm too far in sleep to make it out.

I wasn't wrong about the nightmare-filled sleep.

President Snow is in front of me, with Peeta to his left and Prim to his right. I know something is bad when I look down and see myself holding a loaded gun.
"Choose who to shoot." He hisses. "Or I kill all of you." I try to aim for the middle, to kill Snow, but something is stopping me. It only allows me to aim for Peeta or Prim.
"5...4...3...2...1..." He counts down. I stay frozen, with the gun pointing to the floor. "Too late." He smirks. He gets out out a gun from his spotless white coat and suddenly shoots Prim. Still in that second, he shoots Peeta.

I wake up screaming, jolting up. All of a sudden, I feel warm, strong arms wrap around me.
"Shh, it's okay. No one's going to hurt you. I'm here." Peeta coos. After a minute of me sobbing and breathing heavily, I begin to calm down. I lay back down in bed, but keep my eyes open.
"Do you want to tell me what it was about?" Peeta asks softly.
"You were dead. You and Prim." I sob.
"It's okay. I'm okay and Prim is too." He says gently.

And with that, I close my eyes and slowly fall back into a deep sleep.

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