Chapter 7

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After two weeks of training with Peeta and Haymitch, today is the reaping. After the announcement, Haymitch and I talked about keeping Peeta alive instead of me, so to make sure he didn't forget, I reminded him almost everyday.

It's midday, and I've got to be in the square by two. I try to eat something to calm my nerves; comfort food. It normally always works. Today I just feel sick.

I hear a knock on the door. That must be Cinna. A week ago, I told him about the baby. He was shocked but happy for me. He sympathetically said he would organise something for me to wear that would not show my bump - obviously there are going to be angles where you can, but hopefully the camera won't be zoomed in on my stomach.

I quickly open the door and greet him with a hug. Apart from Effie, he is my only Capitol friend. I let him in, my eyes popping out because of how many choices of clothing he has for me. I quickly get started, trying them all on but then finally deciding on a navy blue jumpsuit and a thin brown leather belt. Flavius, Venia and Octavia start on my hair - my signature braid - and makeup. Overall, they do it quickly but it still looks nice.

By the time I've got my shoes on and peacekeepers are by my door to escort me to the square, it's 1:50pm. I feel sick but I'm not sure if it's the baby or the nerves.


"Welcome, welcome, welcome, to the 75th Annual Hunger Games. This year, it's the Quarter Quell! Double the excitement!" Even when Effie is saying it, she hasn't got her usual cheer filling her voice. She is genuinely upset for us. We haven't even told her about the baby yet.

I've drowned out everything around me, including Effie's speech, until she calls, "Ladies first!" She dips her hand into the bowl, waiting for a while, resistant to get the only slip in there.
"Katniss Everdeen," Effie's voice breaks on the end. A single tear slips down my cheek. Now is the moment I've been wondering about for the past few weeks.

Effie hesitantly puts her hand in the male reaping bowl. Her hand swirls around for a bit, not sure which piece of card to choose. Finally she does, and I can hear my heart beating in my ears.
"Haymitch Abernathy." I hear myself suck in a gasp. Before I can breathe out I hear Peeta.
"I volunteer as tribute," He steps forward. Now there are tears gushing down my face, ruining all of my prep team's hard work. I don't care though. That's the least of my problems.

"I can't let you do that." Haymitch says, grabbing onto Peeta's arm.
"You can't stop me." Peeta answers, shrugging off his hand.

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