Chapter 18

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After my prep team say their goodbyes, Cinna comes in and escorts me to the hovercraft. He will be coming with me to the launching tubes up to the games, and then I have to leave him.
A woman comes round and has a big needle full of orange liquid. I'm not afraid of needles, but this one's huge. When I ask her what it is, she inserts it first and then tells me it's my tracker.

Once we've landed from our 15 minute hovercraft journey, Cinna guides me to a door which has District 12 written on it. Inside, it's a changing room. Cinna has seen me naked many times before, so I don't care if he sees me when strip down. I then change into - what Cinna calls - a wetsuit.
"Well, it's light material, and it's been made to be a little bit waterproof, so I'm guessing the arena's got water in it." He comments.
"Well, it's a good thing I can swim then." No doubt there's cameras in here, so I don't want to mention how I learnt.

Cinna and I say our final goodbyes, then I go into the glass tube. Just as I'm about to be lifted up, I see peacekeepers charge in and beat Cinna up.
"Cinna!" I call, tears streaming down my face. He looks at me dead in the eye, and then closes them, might never opening them again.
I'm lifted up, my eyes adjusting to the sudden light. Cinna was right on one thing. The arena's got water in it. But he didn't know the next. The arena is water. There's a cornucopia in the middle, and around us are long strips of land. Turning around, but making sure not to step off and get blown to pieces, I look at the beach behind everyone. It looks safe, but I'll have to confer with Peeta first.

I desperately look around, searching for him, but it's no use. I can't see him anywhere.
"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..." The game maker calls from the centre of the cornucopia. I hear a boom, indicating we can leave our pods, so I dive into the water, and swim as fast as I can. I haul myself up onto the nearest strip of land, and begin to run to the weapons. To my luck, there's a bow and a sheaf of arrows. When I turn around, I immediately load my bow. Finnick Odair stands right in front of me, holding up his wrist, showing me the gold bangle that used to be Haymitch's.

"Remember who the real enemy is, Katniss. Duck!" He shouts. I instantly duck, and his trident flies right in the heart of another tribute. I'm still looking for Peeta, until Finnick calls out.
"Mags has found him, come quick!"
I run as fast as my heavily pregnant body can manage, and then come to a sudden stop on a strip of land, when I see Peeta wrestling another tribute in the water.

Suddenly the fighting stops, and the bang of another tribute dead rings out.
"Peeta!" I shout, praying he's not dead. A body floats up to the water, and I let a sigh of relief when Peeta swims to the top, thrashing around. Finnick dives in to help him swim to land, as I forget he can't swim.
"Are you alright?" I ask Peeta, when he's safely on land. I rub his back with my hand, comforting him.
"I'm fine Kat, let's keep moving to find water." He reassures me.

We've been walking for ten minutes straight and haven't found any water. When I say 'we' that is Peeta, Finnick, Mags - an old lady who volunteered for Annie Cresta - and I. Finally, I have to sit down and rest, as my swollen feet and my back are killing me. Dehydration isn't helping either. We're in the middle of a very humid jungle, where anything could be poisonous.

I volunteer to hunt down some food, as well as finding some water. As soon as I say this, Peeta immediately objects.
"No Katniss. I'm not letting you go out there on your own. It's far to dangerous, and what if something happens." He says, being overprotective.
"Peeta, no offence, but if you come with me, you'll probably scare off game. I promise I'll stay in a mile radius, and if anything happens, I'll shout. Okay?" I ask.
"Okay..." He unwillingly agrees.

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