Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated for a while, I've just had exams and homework. Now that I've finished them, I'm back to updating almost every night! I hope you like this chapter, vote and comment as well! X

I feel Peeta gently nudging me to get up. He gives me a quick kiss and then reminds me what we have to do tonight.
"Just to remind you, we have to tell Effie and Haymitch tonight. If it's not tonight, then I don't think we'll ever do it." I push the duck feather duvet off me, slowly opening my eyes.

While Peeta leaves the room, I go stand in front of the mirror, checking that I don't look messy and have a bed head. I decide to change my clothes, comb my hair and brush my teeth again anyway. As I make my way to the dining table, a strong waft of delicious food hits me, making my mouth water.

I sit down and load my plate with all the food I want. I feel eyes staring at me, so I decide to tell them why I'm eating so much. I look at Peeta for reassurance, and he gives me a nod.
"So... I expect you want to know why I'm eating so much and gaining weight?" I ask, hoping Peeta interrupts in, at any moment. Unfortunately he doesn't, so I have to carry on.

"Uh... I guess... I uh.." I stutter, getting nervous.
"Spit out, Sweetheart." Haymitch says, getting aggravated. Before I let him get any more annoyed, I just blurt it out.
"I'm pregnant!" I immediately see Haymitch's eyes fill with tears, as do Effie's.
"Congratulations!" I hear Effie say.
"Thank you Effie!" I hear Peeta say. I'm not really paying attention to anything or anyone; just Haymitch. I can't get over the fact that Haymitch is crying. I've never seen him cry once.
"Take a picture, Sweetheart. It'll last longer!" He says, obviously noticing me staring at him.
"Sorry," I say, my cheeks going red.
"I noticed you were getting larger, but I didn't want to mention it like your rude mentor over here already has." Effie says, trying to hold in a laugh.
Eventually, all of us burst out laughing, and I'm suddenly wishing I had told Effie and Haymitch earlier.


After we finish eating dinner - with Effie staring down at my stomach every twenty seconds, expecting the bump to change - I finally go to my bedroom. I expect Peeta to come in after a few minutes, so when he doesn't, I get up and head to the door. I stop as soon as I hear voices coming from the corridor. They're a bit muffled, but I can just make out what they're saying.
"- got to save her at all costs. Especially now you know about the baby. I can't live and know that the love of my life and my baby are dead. You've got to Haymitch." Peeta begs.
"I know Peeta, but Katniss has made me promise some stuff too." Haymitch pauses.
"Like what?" Peeta asks curiously.
"Ah, my boy. Now that's Katniss's and my secret." Haymitch teases.
"Plea-" Peeta starts.
"No. Go get some rest Peeta. I'm not answering any more of your questions. I'll probably end up betraying Katniss by telling you the secrets." He interrupts, knowing there aren't actually any secrets.

I laugh mentally, until I hear footsteps heading toward my room. I quietly run and jump into bed, throwing the covers back over me. I debate whether to pretend to be asleep or not; in the end I pretend. I don't want Peeta to think I was eavesdropping, even though I was. 

I hear the door creak open, and after a few seconds, softest pressure of lips against mine.
"Night," I murmur, finally tired.
"Night, my love," I hear Peeta answer back, and with that I fall asleep.

A/N - I know, another one.
I'm kind of loving little Everlark moments, so will be including more of them in my story, especially in the arena! X

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