Chap. 1 Home

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"Who knew that the love of my life would same me with this object, with something so meaningless, how could something so simple save my little, pathetic life... A silver spoon...

"Eren! Get down here to do the dishes! I swear if your late again---"

"I'm coming sir, it won't ever happen again..." Eren came running down the stairs, scared of what his father might do to him.

"After school don't forget to go to the grocery store, and then clean the house, you good for nothing---"

"Eren! I need you up here!" Mikasa called.

"I'll come in a minute, I'm almost done with the dishes." He called to her.

"Don't raise your voice in this house!!!" His father hit the back of his head, still containing bruises from last night.

"Sorry sir, I won't do it again." Eren took a deep breath, he was on the last plate for the dishes.

"Eren!!!" Mikasa screamed.

"Ugh... Coming Mikasa..." He started the dish washer and then headed upstairs.

"Yes, what do you want." Eren said almost impatiently.

"Which shade of lipstick would look better on me? Hot red or Cool red?"

"Mikasa!? You called me for this!?"

"What!? Your supposed to support me always!? Why are you such a terrible brother!!!" She kicked Eren in the shin, making him fall to his knees.

"Go away!!!" Mikasa pushed Eren out of her room and slammed the door closed.

"Eren!!! Your going to be late for school!!! Get your ass down here, and get out of my house!" Eren's father violently yelled at Eren.

"Of course sir, sorry, have a great day at work---"

"Get out..."

"Yes sir..."

Eren left his house thankful that he didn't get hit that hard by his father.

"Today is a great day!" Eren said as he limped along the path to school.

"Hm... Who's he?" Eren thought out loud.

A block ahead of him, there was a boy with black shimmering hair and wore a black leather jacket.

"New student I guess..." Eren didn't think anything of it.

"Eren, need a ride?" Armin pulled up next to him in his luxury car.

(Armins parents are very wealthy and are well known, but his parents believe that he will learn more about the world if he's in a public school)

"Ya! That would be great... Thanks!" Eren jumped into the car.

Armin sat in the car jamming out to bad blood and tried to get Eren to join him.

"Come on!" Armin played a pretend guitar at a stop light.

"You wish!" Eren laughed.

After 5 minutes of driving and jamming they were there. They got out of the car and started to walk into the building when Armins girl friend walked up.

"Hey babe!... Why is he here, I told you not to hangout with people like him." She said, making sure Eren heard it.

"Annie, it's fine! He's one of my good friends! How could I not, and he said he fell down the stairs at home, so he's all bruised up!" Armin looked at Annie, giving the look to back off.

"Well... I'll see you guys inside." Eren walked away slowly, stepping through the grass and finally making it to the entrance, checking the hallways to make sure not to see Jean, or Reiner.

"Thank god..." Eren sighed in relief.

"Eren!" Someone called out.


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