Chap. 39 Explaining

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Finally after the long drive, Levi made it home...

*knock knock*

"Levi!" Eren opened the door wide and jumped into his arms.

"Sorry... I won't disappear like that again..." Levi took a deep breath and walked in the house.

"No! I'm sorry, I shouldn't of made you tell me about your family..." The two sat down on the sofa and cuddled.

"Eren... Do you really want to know?" Levi looked deep into Eren's curious green eyes.

"If it's ok with you, then yes, I do."

Levi then explained everything, his mother, the ocean, his father, and running away from child services for 14 years.

"... I never thought... I'm so sorry Levi..." Eren pulled him into a hug.

"You didn't know, and it doesn't matter now, I have you. That's all I need in life." Levi was about to pulled Eren into a deep kiss, but stopped quickly.

"Um... I'm going to take a nap... Love you..." Levi stood up and sleepily walked away from Eren, who desperately wanted Levi's kiss.

"But... One kiss?" Eren pouted.

"No, I'm sorry... I can't." Levi went to his room sullenly.

"It's ok, I understand. I love you to." He stood up from the sofa and started to pay his part of the rent, setting it on the counter, then starting his winter break homework.

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