Chap. 20 Calling

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Levi grabbed his shirt, and pushed Eren off of him, then went to his room, more then mad.

Eren just sat there confused, and wanted to see what had happened. But then passed out on the couch. He got drunk way to easily.

2:30 A.M.

Levi got up as usual, but when he walked out and saw Eren he couldn't resist. He laid next to him on the couch, and fell back to sleep, something he had never done. Levi forgot what had happened last night, and forgave himself and Eren.

9:00 A.M.


"Oh no! What time is it!?" Levi jumped off the couch, scaring Eren half to death.

"What!?" Eren yawned.

"Oh no!!! It's 9:00!!! I might not even make it to college by this time!!!" Levi started having a panic attack, but stopped quickly.

"I'll just say I'm really sick, and I'll do extra homework and school study's and projects for credit..." Levi took a deep breath.

"Oh my god, I thought it was something serious, like someone died or something!" Eren laughed.

"God, my head hurts." Eren looked around the room.

"What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Levi looked at him weirdly.

"I just remember, wanting to ha---" Eren stopped talking.

"Please don't tell me... We... You no..." Eren stuttered.

"HELL NO!" Levi yelled.

"But you left a damn martini stain on my carpet which your going to clean." Levi went to the dinning table and started to dial the numbers of the bar he worked at, to apologize for not showing up.

"S***" Eren looked at his phone.


"I didn't tell my dad I was staying another night. He's going to kill me for this." Eren sighed, and was stunned at what he might do to him.

"I'm going to have to call him." Eren sat there.

"Give me the phone, I'll talk to him." Levi put out his hand.

Eren got up from the couch and gave the phone to him.

*ring ring*

"Eren! I f***ing told you to tell me everything---" Levi cut him off.

"Um, excuse me, Mr.Yaeger. Ya, hi, I'm so sorry, I just wanted to notify you that your son and my son were out late last night, so he didn't want to bother you and wake you up with a call. Sorry for the inconvenience, my name is Mr. Ackerman, my son Levi has been hanging out with him, and it wasn't supposed to be a sleep over but I didn't want to take him home to late at night. And disturb your house hold." Levi stopped talking.

Eren's face was mortified at what Levi said, surprised that he had the guts to do that.

"... I'm... I'm so sorry for my language earlier, ya that is completely fine! I understand that you didn't want to drop him off late, but next time, you can drop him off as late as you want. Please have him at his home soon. Bye..." Doctor Yaeger hung up quickly after that.

"I can't believe you did that..." Eren's face was white as a ghost.

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