Chap. 38 Falling Asleep

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Five hours into the drive Levi could barely keep his eyes open.

He started to swerve on and off the road.

"Just... A couple... More hours..." Levi's eyes began to close slightly.

*ring ring*

His phone went off, waking him up a little.

"Wha?!" He grabbed his phone and answered it.

"Levi, your at a hotel... Right?" Eren said calmly, almost like a lullaby.

"Hm... *yawn* ya... Ya... Totally... I got to go..." Levi hung up the phone.

"I'm almost there..." Levi kept driving.

"I... I can't do... It... I need a brake..." He gave up and pulled onto the side of the road, almost immediately, once he turned the car off, he fell asleep.

5:00 A.M.

*ring ring*

"..." Levi moved over a little in the seat.

*ring ring*

"Ugh..." He grabbed his phone and answered it.

"What!?" He didn't even open his eyes and it was still dark outside the car.

"Um... Levi, are you ok?" Eren said scaredly.

"Oh... Why did you call me this early!?" Levi didn't wake up happy.

"... Sorry, I just called because I wanted to know you were ok, and that you didn't think about your dad..." Eren sighed.

"I didn't... I'll see you soon, just... 6 more hours..." He looked at his phone.

"Ok, see you soon. Love you." Eren hung up the phone.

'What did he mean by my father? That I wasn't thinking about him... Do I act like him?! I do drink and smoke... Am I turning into my father!?...' Levi became a little scared.

"I need to stop everything..." He grabbed the box of cigarettes he had and threw them out the window.

"Never again... I'm never drinking again..." Levi pushed his messy hair out of the way and then pulled back onto the highway. Continuing to drive to Eren.

Be he kept thinking about his father, hearing what his father thought about him... How he didn't care that his mother died, how he wishes Levi lived with him, even though he would of been the worst parent. Was it worth hiding from child services for 14 years to meet Eren? Why was he having so many doubts...

"I'm coming Eren..." Levi took a deep breath and continued down the long steep highway.

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