Chap. 19 One Martini

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*beep beep beep*

Levi's alarm clock went off, it was 2:30 A.M.

"Ugh. *yawn*" Levi got out of bed slowly, took a hot shower, brushed his teeth and got dressed into a black suit.

He left a note on Eren's night stand telling him his schedule, cleaned his room for the 9th time this week and left the house.

Levi grabbed the only thing that understood him. A cigarette, then took a smoke. He walked down the street and was early as usual.

10:30 A.M.

"Hm.... What time is it..." Eren opened his eyes and looked around the room, remembering he was sleeping over at Levi's.

"Oh... Where is he?" Eren put on a shirt, and long pajama pants that Levi left for him, (even though they were a little small) and walked around the house.

"Levi?" He poked his head back into his room and found the note.

Eren worked, but he thought Levi must be a power house to go that long. At the bottom on the note he erased something.

Eren was interested as usual and figured it out after a while.

"Why would he ask me that in a note? Maybe that's why he erased it." Eren shrugged.

"What now..." Eren laid on his bed again.

"Maybe one more season of Supernatural!" Eren went on his phone and found the episode he was on when, the sound or video wasn't working.

"No way..." Eren ran to the living room to see it was projected on the tv.

"This... Is... AMAZING!" Eren sat down and watched, to many episodes and fell back to sleep.

7:15 P.M.

"I'm back!" Levi shut the door behind him, Eren was passed out on the couch.

"Brat..." Levi set down his stuff on the dinning table and made Eren and him a martini.

He sat on the couch and set Eren's drink down, and pulled up his show, Corpse party.

"This show is so funny." Levi took a sip of the alcohol, not effecting him at all.

Eren woke up to see a dead persons face on the tv screen and jumped back.

"What are you watching!!!" Eren looked away.

"Corpse party. Oh come on, it's not that brutal." Levi laughed.

"Levi, there's a severed head, and you don't think that brutal... Wait, what are you drinking?" Eren wanted a sip.

"I made you one if you want it. But you don't have to." Levi didn't look concerned.

"Um... Ok..." Eren took a sip, nearly spitting it out.

"If you spit it out, your cleaning my whole carpet!" Levi warned.


"That's strong! How much alcohol did you use!?" Eren laughed.

"I don't know." Levi finished his glass.

Levi relaxed a little and looked at Eren. How beautiful his eyes were.

"Um, Levi... Are you ok?" Eren got closer to Levi's face, almost kissing.

Levi took the chance and kissed him.

"Ha! I was expecting more of a gut shot but that will do." Eren drank a little to much.

"Eren, I don't think you should finish that drink. You'll become drunk, and do stupid things." Levi yawned.

"What!? No I won't!" Levi tried to take the glass away, but Eren then drank the rest of it in two gulps.

"You brat..." Levi grabbed the two glasses and washed them.

"Levi, Levi! Oh my god! I was at the mall a long time ago, and um... Wait! No! I was---" Levi cut him off.

"Eren, go to bed." Levi sat down next to him.

"NO!" He proceeded to give Levi many kisses and then tried to take off Levi's shirt.

He failed...

"Why..." Eren pouted.

"You'll regret every second of it."

"No I won't!"

"Your acting really damn childish right now, and I don't like it! Now go away!" Levi tried to stand up but Eren grabbed his pants and pulled them down.

"EREN!" Levi became enraged.

"Come on!" Eren took off his shirt and then pulled Levi into a deep kiss.

"Eren--- no..." Eren had a tight grip and held him close.

Eren managed to take of Levi's shirt, now under real light exposing his scars and burns.


Eren gave Levi a concerned face.

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