Chap. 35 Leaving

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After he put the note on the door, Levi didn't pack anything except his back up money and phone, went out the door, got in his small car and drove off.

Levi's father lived in south Nebraska, it was going to be a long drive.

"I love you Eren... I'm doing it for you..." The only thing touching Levi's lips for the next three days were the end of a cigarette.

8:00 A.M.

Eren sat up in the big bed and had a dream about losing Levi. He didn't want to lose him, and wanted to go apologize for acting so irrational last night, but he knew that he would already be at work.

"Ugh... I'm sorry..." He stepped out of bed and went out his door, seeing a sticky note taped to it.

"Hm?" Eren grabbed it and read it quickly.

"oh my god... What have I done!" He dropped the note and ran outside, only wearing his boxers. The car was gone and a new sheet of snow was falling.

"..." Eren was in shock, he went back inside and grabbed his phone. He called him.

*ring ring*

"please pick up..." Eren was shaking, and pacing the wood floor.

"Hello?" Levi said into the phone, yawning a little.

"W-Why did you leave..." He already knew the answer.

"Eren, your right... I need to tell my father what's going on. Even though he's going to hate me for life, I have to do this..." Levi said seriously.

"P-Please just come back... I forgive you, and you didn't do anything, I over reacted, just... come back..." Eren sat on the couch.

"I will when I'm done telling him! I'll come back and we'll all be ok, this has been on my chest for a while now. And it'll give you the feeling of when I'm at college. You'll have the house to yourself! You can blast your terrible music, I'll be back soon." Levi kept his gaze on the road and was a very good driver, unlike Eren, who was reckless.

"Levi... Are you smoking a cigarette?" Eren had a bad feeling about Levi seeing his father.

"No! Where would you ever get that from!!!" Levi set down the cigarette he had.

"Good, I don't know what I would do if you were smoking again. Well, please be careful driving, call me soon, and you can always come home early... I love you..." Erens brain was racing with terrible thoughts.

"I'll be fine, it's just for a few days, you know I'm a good driver, I'll talk to you later. Love you." Levi hung up the phone.

"He'll be fine, right?" Levi sighed and kept driving toward his fathers apartment.

Eren sat on the couch for a while, just thinking of where, exactly Levi was going...

"You better be ok..." Eren then stood up and started a pot of coffee and tried to go on with his normal day, but he found himself calling across the house for him to help. Finally realizing he wasn't there to help him.

"Is this what it was like for Levi all though's years?..."

Levi had been driving non stop for 13 hours and was starting to get a little tired. Be he knew he was almost there, just 2 more hours until he would get to his father.

He was so close, yet so far...

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