Chap. 24 Bandages

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Levi slammed his foot into his own front door, and it opened quickly. He then set Eren on the couch, and got out his medical tools from college, and grabbed him an ice pack.

"Ok, I'm going to just clean your burn marks, please don't move." Levi flinched.

He opened his kit, full of different scalpels and scissors, and found the bandages full of rubbing alcohol, wiping it lightly over Eren's forehead, taking away the ash that filtered.

Eren moved around a little, still uncontious.

"Your fine... I'm not going to let your family ever hurt you again... I promise Eren, I'll protect you always." Levi continued on Eren's arm, and took away the ash on the surface of his pale skin.

Levi set the ice pack on Eren's head, and bandaged up the bruises, and small cuts on the rest of his body. For some reason he opened Eren's mouth and shined a light, revealing all the ash that was shoved down his esophagus.


Levi put on a rubber glove and grabbed a wet paper towel, and proceeded to clean Eren's tongue and sides of his mouth.

After 30 minutes of cleaning Eren up, and properly bandaging him. Levi started to clean everything! Like every speck of dust, he cleaned all of the clothes and put Eren in the baggiest clothes he had and then set Eren in the guest room.

"Good night, brat... I hope you sleep well."

Levi kissed his forehead, and then left the room, closing the door quietly.

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