Chap. 43 Tears of Joy

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Levi then stepped off the podium with his diploma. Crying crazily, Eren jumped into his arms, they held each other and cried, in front of everyone else. Thy then slowly left the room, standing in the halls, were there was no one.

"I love you Eren..." Levi cried.

"I love you so much!" Eren clung onto Levi.

Levi looked around really quick, making sure there weren't people or cameras, then pulled the boys face into a kiss, holding the back of head, pulling him deeper and deeper. Eren slammed Levi into the lockers, holding him there. They looked around again, seeing nothing, then kissed again, Levi pulled Eren's waist close, Eren holding Levi's neck and upper back.

"Wait... Eren... Not here..." Levi pulled back a little, seeing Eren starting to take off his shirt.

"Levi... Come on..." Eren sighed.

"Put on your sweater, your skipping school today..." Levi smiled, taking his hand. Eren grabbed everything and was leaving the school when someone called them.

"Eren! Eren Yaeger! Why are you leaving school?! You still have classes!" Mr. Smith had finished giving all the diploma's, and saw them leaving.

"Sh*t... Um, I'm not feeling that well, and after crying I feel light headed... Levi is going to help me home, that's ok... Right?" Eren actually told a good lie.

"Hm.... Perhaps... You better be here tomorrow! You had two weeks to be sick!" He then left that room and walked down the hall towards his office, Eren and Levi making there escape.


The two started to laugh crazily as they walked home.

"I never knew that you could tell a lie!" Levi put his arm over Eren's shoulder.

"I don't see it as lieing, I see it as fibbing!" Eren laughed.

As the two walked home, they couldn't wait to get home, they missed each other, and they thought it was the best when they would wake up in each other's arms.

"I'm going to miss you brat..." Levi whispered.

"Hm? What'd you say?" Eren looked over, seeing his breath because of the cold weather, the snow crunching under there feet.

"Nothing..." Levi held him close, there warmth filled the air.

When they got home, Eren locked the door immediately, ripping off his shoes and scarf, then his gloves. Levi had already done that and was in bed, Eren racing after him. Slamming the door shut behind them.

"I love you Eren..."

"I love you Levi..."

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