Chap. 42 Diploma

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Eren got up sluggishly and put on a nice shirt, and black dress pants, doing his hair, and then eating cereal at the dining table.

Levi wore a suit, and tie. He had never looked so handsome, and put together. As he walked out of his bedroom, and Eren saw how he looked, he spit his cereal across the room, choking.

"ARE YOU OK!?!?" Levi ran to Eren's side.

"*cough* Who are you and what have you done with Levi!?" Eren laughed.

"Oh... Ya, I wanted to look nice! You know your cleaning that, right?" Levi gave him 3 different types of cleaners and a paper towel.

"Disinfect it please..." He walked away from Eren and put on his shoes, at school they were going to get there robes and blue hats, with the tassels.

"Ugh, fine..." Eren did what he was told, then put on a billion layers to keep warm, finally the two were out the door, walking down the icy street, holding each other's hands for warmth.

"Eren, have you told anyone at school?" Levi looked over.

"What do you mean?"

"That your gay?" Levi looked confused.

"No... Not yet, but I plan on telling Armin today, hopefully he broke up with Annie... Sha always has an opinion..." Eren sighed. Right as Eren mentioned Armin, he pulled up in his car.

"Hey! What's up? Eren you need a ride?" Armin totally ignored Levi's presence.

"Nah, I'm good. But thanks! Armin, I need to tell you something later, that ok?" They stopped and Eren had his head sticking through the window.

"Sure, I guess... See you later!" He then drove off quickly.

As they kept walking, they noticed a figure walking on the other side of the road. It was Jean, holding hands with Marco.

"I f*cking knew he was gay!" Levi said, to loudly, Jean looking over, having an angry face.

"Levi, your going to make him mad!" Eren looked over, Jean was now crossing the street, pulling the taller boy behind him.

"What did you say!?" Jeans looked down at Levi.

"Jean, stop, leave him alone..." Marco tried to pull him away.

"Go away brat. Not in the mood, I'm graduating." Levi and Eren kept walking, Jean and Marco catching up.

"I knew Eren was gay, but you?! *laughs*" Jean bends over, laughing hysterically.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW!?!? I didn't even know until recently...." Eren looked to his feet.

Levi had enough of Jeans sh*tty attitude.

"Jean, telling by your posture, Calvin Klein underwear, sweater, shoes, hair, rainbow scarf, f*cking attitude, being a basic b*tch, and! That your holding hands with this guy. My observation is that you are the gay one. So please, stop being a basic brat and don't make notions without having evidence to back up your theory. I hope you fall in a d*mn ditch and brake you f*cking leg..." Levi grabbed Eren's hand and stormed off, leaving the horse face and Marco stunned.

"... Wow... You left Jean with his horse face!" Eren laughed, putting his arm around Levi's shoulders.

"I didn't like his d*mn attitude, and proved him wrong." Levi smiled, they then made it to school, because Levi was graduating early, there wasn't that big of a ceremony, you can only bring one person and its in a small area, unlike at the end of the year where it's a huge celebration.

The two went to the fancy room and there were 50 people graduating early, Mr. Smith standing at the podium to grant the students with the certificate.

After at least 13 names Levi was called.

"Levi Ackerman..."

Now wearing the blue outfit, he walked slowly to the podium and was granted the paper with a bow on it, with a few other things. He was ready to cry, and Eren was clapping franticly, already in tears, so happy for him. Levi's smile brightened up the room.

'I finally have my diploma...' Levi thought.

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