Chapter Ten

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*Kellin's POV*
After my mom and I said our goodbyes at the airport I went back home to pick up Vic. Luckily I had my senior driver's license and Michigan was a calm place so I have never been stopped by the police. Anyway, today was the first day he would actually go outside, it was like having a child. I was so excited to show him around, I finally had someone to hang out with who wouldn't make up excuses.

I arrived at my house and honked, I saw Vic peek out my window and saw him smile. A few minutes later he came down and walked towards me. I couldn't help but admire his physique, I did a really good job. Today we was wearing one of my burgundy sweaters, black jeans, and burgundy Vans.

"Ready to go?" I said excitedly as he buckled in.

"Ready when you are," he smiled, "Where are we going again?"

"Well first, we're going to go eat. I'm starving, are you in the mood for anything?"

He thought, "Maybe a breakfast burrito."

I giggled, "So Mexican, I love it."

As I started to drive I felt him touch my hand, I looked at him and he smiled, as if asking if he could hold my hand. I smiled back and nodded, he could do whatever he wanted.

I wanted to take Vic to this café my mom and I would go to but she had a friend who worked there and I didn't want her telling my mom anything while she was away. I avoided that café and looked for another one, coming across a café I haven't seen before. I parked my car and Vic let go of my hand, it already felt so cold and empty.

I was locking the door when I felt Vic come to where I was and he held my hand once more. I looked up at him and saw his chocolate brown eyes glistening. His eyes looked amazing in the skylight, we would have to go out more often.

"I haven't been here before and I thought it would be fun if we tried this new café together."

"You can drag me through hell and I would still follow you," he chuckled.

We walked in the café that gave this nice, antique vibe when I stopped dead on my tracks.

Vic looked back at me, "Kells, what's wrong?"

I stared straight at the register, standing there was Justin.

"We have to go." I simply said and tried to walk away but Vic didn't let go of my hand.

"Tell me what's wrong," his eyes were full of concern, I was surprised he didn't have the memory of what happened between Justin and I.

He looked back at where I was looking and saw Justin but he didn't show any signs of recognizing him.

"Something happened between you and him?" he asked with a hint of jealousy.

"I'll, uh, explain to you some other time," I tried to walk away once more but again, Vic still held my hand.

"You can tell me here while we drink coffee, I don't know for what reason you want to avoid him but you can't show that guy that you're afraid to see him."

I looked down at our hands, he did have a point. I was blessed to have him. We sat down next to the window waited for someone to attend us. It was just my luck that Justin was the one serving us.

"Hello, my name is Justin and I wi- Kellin?"

"Nope. Don't know you."

"Kellin, please, I'm sorry what happened the other night, I don't remember much but you're my bestfriend and I miss you," he begged.

*Vic's POV*
I sat there in awe, this Justin guy was acting as if I wasn't there, he didn't acknowledge me at all. I felt my blood boil as I heard what he said. What the hell happened the other night? Why don't I have any memory from it? Kellin looked so hurt, he looked like he was going to give in to Justin's pleads but I wasn't going to let that happen, no señor.

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