Chapter Twelve

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*Kellin's POV*
As I exited the store and went on to the next, I looked back and saw them talking about something intently. I was thinking about what they could be talking about when I came across this store called Claire's. It was super bright and girly but what caught my attention was this black and red kitty hat.

I wasn't the one to go around wearing girly clothes but one thing I loved the most was kitten apparel. It was one of my deepest desires to wear kitten outfits but it was only a fantasy that could stay in my mind. Although, I'm pretty sure Vic figured it out after I kept staring at the kitten lingerie in the other store. But what can I say? It was really cute.

I was looking at the hat when I heard someone behind me.

"Can I help you with anything?" She asked.

She had bright red and orange hair that looked like flames, her eyeliner was perfect and her red lipstick made her look fierce. Her name tag read "Hayley."

"Um, do have another hat that looks like the one right there?" I pointed at the one behind the register.

She held up her finger, "Hang on, I'll check in the storage room."

She skipped away and I kept browsing, looking at phone cases.

"I was wondering where you were," I quickly turned around and saw Vic with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, sorry. I should've told you where I was going to be."

He was about to speak when the girl came back, "Here you go! You're lucky because it was the last one left."

"What is it?" Vic tried to see what she handed me.

"It's a hat," I put it on and waited to see what he would say.

I expected him to burst out laughing or make fun of me but instead he fixed my hat, "It looks adorable, darling. I like it."

And there was that nickname that made my heart want to burst out of my chest, it was the little things he did that made me fall in love.

"Thank you."

I paid and we went towards the escalators. Our hands were filled with bags and I needed a break.

"Hey, you still up for that breakfast burrito?"

"Hmm, how about tacos since its brunch time?"

"Then tacos it is," I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

We went down to the food court and I was headed towards Tacobell but he stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"Um... To Tacobell? You said you wanted tacos, right?"

He scrunched up his nose, "What kind of tacos have you been eating?"

I shrugged and he shook his head, "I was talking about authentic Mexican tacos, not this American bullshít."

I was taken aback by his response but then again, he was Mexican. He wants the real deal.

We went to the taco stand and I had to admit, it smelled amazing. After we ordered we managed to find a spot at the corner of the food court where we could see everyone but not everyone could see us.

I was munching through my chicken taco when Vic started small talk, "Remember that girl I was talking with at the store where, you know, that happened?"

I quickly took another bite of my taco, not wanting to talk. Remembering what we did back there made me sheepish, I felt my face turn hot but I nodded, letting him continue.

He lowered his voice, "Well I don't know how, but she said her girlfriend can get me an identification."

I nearly chocked on my taco, "What?! Vic, that's insane! Do you know what this means?! Her girlfriend could be a drug lord or something! One does not simply give you any identification for free."

He started rubbing his neck, "I, sorta, agreed to work with her. In the store! So don't freak out, please?"

I processed this, she was going to give him whatever identification he needed but at what cost? Working at a clothing store doesn't make up for it, she must want something else.

"Vic... What if she wants to use you? She must want something in return, something big."

"I mean, what could she even use me for? I'm just a painting that came to life."

Hearing those words made him sound like he was insane but to be fair, the whole time I've been spending with him has been insane. I don't even know if he's real, what if I'm hallucinating? It wouldn't hurt to check so I went and pinched his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" He started rubbing where I punched him.

"I just... I just needed to make sure you were real."

We finished eating and he went to throw out the garbage when I saw Mike sitting on a table across the food court with his group of friends.

"Shit," I said under my breath, "Vic, you mind if we use the stairs?"

"Oh c'mon! I'm so stuffed, I can't even walk!" He rubbed his belly.

"That's why we need to walk so that it could... fasten the metabolism process," I quickly made up.

"Fine, you're going to pay for this."

We walked up the stairs and I stayed in front of Vic, using him to cover me so that Mike wouldn't notice me. We hopped into the car and drove away, he started scanning through different radio stations till he found something he liked.

It was already five in the afternoon when we got home. We carried all the bags and headed up to my room when I realized that all his new things wouldn't fit in my room.

"Okay, listen up, I made up a story in my head while we were coming home. You can use the guest room and out away all your stuff there, I'll explain after you're done... settling in I guess you could say. All your new stuff wouldn't fit in my room since it's already packed in here. What do you think?"

"Well I hope that whatever story you have planned will convince your mom when she gets back," he dropped his bags and took a step towards me, "Thanks, Kells. I don't know if you think it's weird or too soon but I love you."

He hugged me and I hugged him back, inhaling his aroma which was truly intoxicating.

"We were made for each other, well, I made you for me at least but I'm glad you love me because that's all I ever wanted. Love."

I pulled back a little and stared into his chocolate brown eyes, the eyes that mesmerized me. I leaned in to give his a small kiss, feeling his soft lips against mine. Before it got to heated I pulled back to see that he was smiling.



"Would you... would you like to be my boyfriend?"

I giggled, "As if we weren't acting like a couple already," I buried my face into his chest, "But yes, I would love to be your boyfriend."

With that, we kissed each other once more.

"We have enough time to do couple stuff later, I'll help you settle into your new room."

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
I'm all about the fluff :') do you guys feel like it's going to fast? Cause I don't even know myself ._. I don't even know where I'm headed to with this story tbh .-. I lost the paper where I wrote the storyline so I'll have to wing it. I hope you guys still like it! Anyway, please leave a comment or read my other Kellic fanfic called, "You Look So Pretty When You Can't Find Your Grave." Thanks!

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