Chapter Eight

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*Vic's POV*
His eyes widened as I took my shirt off, his face turned bright red and nervously looked away from me. I chuckled, what happened to the brave, seductive Kellin?

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"N-No, uh, I-I have a spare towel in the guest room. I'll be right back," and he quickly left the room.

I took this time to take a look at the canvas. It was spotless, as if he never painted on it in the first place. When he was on the phone with his mother I kept looking at his hands. His hands gave me life, he was the reason I was here, he's the whole reason for my entire being. But when I was tracing his hand with my finger I noticed scars on his wrist and the memories of him selfharming came to me.

I didn't want to remember those moments so I tried thinking of something else. That was when I noticed Kellin looking at me and I decided to tease him for his adorable nickname his mother gave him. I knew I had a mother, in his imagination at least. But was she real?

Kellin came back with a light, creamy colored towel and some spare sandals.

"Y-You can borrow some of my clothes if you like. I think we're going to have to go shopping sometime tomorrow, maybe we can go after I drop off my mom at the airport!" He said excitedly.

"Sounds like a plan," I said with a smile. "I'm going to shower now, care to join me?" I teased.

His face went red and quickly shook his head, "Just go take a shower, you idiot!"

I laughed at his reaction and went inside the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and was getting ready to go in the shower when I realized I didn't know how to turn on this thing. Out of all the memories I was given, I couldn't remember how to turn on a damn shower? I didn't have a choice than to call Kellin to help me.

"Uh, Kells, you think you can help me here?"

He came inside, "Sure, what do you- OH MY GOD, VIC PUT YOUR TOWEL ON!"

He quickly turned around and closed the door and I wrapped the towel around my waist.

"You're so silly, Kells. We're both guys, I'm not from outer space or anything," I joked, "You can come in."

"Sh-Shut up. What do you want anyway?"

Just then, this annoying song started playing in my head,

So tell me what you want,
what you really really want.
I'll tell you want I want,
What I really really want.

"I don't know how to turn on the freaking shower," I muttered.

He giggled, "Alright, come here I'll show you. The left on is for hot water, the right one is cold. You have to turn them to the left to run the water. Got it?"

"Got it, sure you don't wanna join me?" I liked messing with him, it was funny seeing him get all flustered with the smallest of comments.

"I'll consider it," he said sarcastically.
"Everything you need is in the shower, I'll have clothes ready for you outside."

I took my time taking a shower, savoring the feeling of the water running down my skin. Just then, I heard Kellin burst through the door.

"Vic! Hurry up and get out!" He whispered yelled.

"What, why?" I turned off the water.

"My mom's home! Hurry, get dressed and try to be as quiet as possible."

For his sake, I walked out the bathroom and quickly changed into the plain black tshirt and navy blue boxers he threw at me; he looked like he was going to panic attack at any moment.

He had locked the door and was biting his thumb nail, "Hey, listen, calm down, everything's going to be okay, breathe."

I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back.

"I suck at lying, she's going to know I'm hiding something from her," he mumbled.

"Try to keep calm for her sake, she won't go if she sees you all nervous, it'll make her all nervous too."

He took a deep breath, "You're right, I'm ready."

We heard his mom come in the house, yelling out, "Kellin, I'm home! Gerard let me come home early to get my things packed for tomorrow!"

I made him look at me, "Remember, try to act as you normally would when she gets home. Forget I exist, I was just a dream."

"I hope it isn't," he said quietly as he walked out to greet his mom.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Still trying to get the hang of updating daily. Be patient with me pls. Please comment or read my other Kellic fanfic called, "You Look So Pretty When You Can't Find Your Grave." Thanks!

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