Chapter Twenty

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*Kellin's POV*
I should've known I'd wake up with a massive headache. I groaned as I turned around, trying to ignore the dizziness. It took me a moment to realize where I was and what happened last night, I smiled at the thought. I sat down and realized I was still naked under the bedsheets. I also noticed that Vic wasn't here with me but there was a bathrobe at the edge of the bed with a note.

I'll be downstairs making breakfast.

I lazily got off the bed as I put on the robe and walked downstairs into the kitchen. The aroma filled my nostrils as I saw Vic only wearing sweatpants, I saw his back muscles and... oh god, scratches. I felt my face heat up, did I really do that?

He was cooking when he turned around and saw me, "Good afternoon, sleepy head."

Afternoon? "Wait, what? What time is it?"

"It's three in the afternoon," he said as he poured coffee into two mugs and placed them on the table.

I ran my fingers through my hair, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Why would I? You were sound asleep and besides, I'm pretty sure you're still feeling hungover," he handed me two pills and a cup of water.

I hesitantly took them, swallowing the pills. I felt incredibly awkward, I didn't know what to say so I went up to him and gave him a kiss, "Thank you."

He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around my waist, "You're welcome. Now let's eat before the food gets cold, Lynn wants to spend the afternoon with us."

After we finished eating, taking a shower, and getting changed, we walked over to Lynn's.

"So, you guys finally decided to come out! I've been sooooo bored, Alexa had to go to work and not that the maids aren't cool, but I'd rather hang out with you guys," she came over to hug me.

"How long will she be gone?" I asked.

"It depends, sometimes she's gone for three weeks," she frowned.

"Sadly I can't stay with you for that long, I have to go home since my mom is coming home... next week I think." Was it next week? I think it was, what day is it again?

"Please stay for the rest of the week? I can't leave this place without Alexa," as if she read my mind, she answered my question before I could even ask, "It's not safe for us to be seen right now, this is our safe haven. I wish I could explain but I can't, it's for your safety."

I turned to look at Vic who was just as confused as I was, "Okay, we won't pressure you into telling us. Now, let's make the best of the rest of the time we're here."

She giggled, "Promise me you guys will visit me, okay?"

"We promise," Vic said as he pulled us into a hug.

The rest of the week was well spent with lots and lots of food, food that I have never tried and learned to love. After that night with Vic, we found ourselves doing it more often to the point where I felt like a sex addict.

Going back home felt strange, we were back to our usual lives and regular food, I missed being with Lynn and her crazy antics. We were on our way to the airport to pick up my mom, I felt nervous about what her reaction would be.

"You remember our story, right?" Vic asked as he drove.

"Uh, you moved from San Diego and came here to find your long lost family. We met at a cafe when I started college and I let you move in because you were paying too much money for the hotel?"

"Aaaand?" He asked.

"We couldn't help calling in love and now we're together!" I giggled like an idiot.

He chuckled, "How do you think your mother will react to this?"

"I don't really know... We'll see when we pick her up."

She was a pretty chill mom, she had no problem with me being gay and was very supportive of anything I decided to do but... "bringing" my boyfriend to live with me? Maybe I was crossing the line, I just hoped she wouldn't take this the wrong way.

We arrived at the airport and we waited for her inside. There weren't many people, Vic was holding a bouquet and I was holding a sign with balloons and a teddybear.

I finally caught sight of her as I waved my arms for her to see me, she smiled and waved back. I thought she was going to run towards me but I saw that she was holding someone's hand... it was that guy with the red hair.

"Um, Kells, I thought your mom was... single?"

"I thought so too, what is he doing with that Geoffrey guy?"

"You mean Gerard," he corrected.

I was surprised he remembered his name, he remembered almost everything that I didn't. My mom finally came up to us, still holding onto Gerard's hand.

"Honey, I missed you so much!" She pulled me into a tight hug and I hugged her back.

"I missed you too, mom," I said as I glared at Gerard, "I'd like you to meet someone."

Vic stepped forward and handed the bouquet of flowers to her, "Th-These are for you," he said nervously.

"Why, thank you," she smiled.

"Vic, this is my mom. Mom, Vic is my... my boyfriend," I waited to see a bad reaction but I got the total opposite.

"So you're the one who captured his heart, huh? Well, I'm glad you did, you seem like such a nice guy," she hugged him and kissed his cheek, "Please take care of my boy, he's as fragile as can be."

"O-Of course, that's why I'm here," he laughed nervously.

"Also, Gerard and I are dating, I realized he's such a gentleman! We had a great time in Spain."

If she accepted my relationship with Vic, I could do nothing more than accept hers. Her happiness over mine. Gerard took out his hand and I shook it, smiling halfheartedly.

"My driver has come to pick me up, I'll leave you guys now," Gerard said as he pulled my mom for a quick kiss.

It was weird seeing my mom with someone but I let her be, once Gerard was gone I proceeded to tell her the rest of the story, "Also, um, Vic... is- I- uh- sorta- let him move in with us," I mumbled the last part.

"What was that, sweetie?"

"I said that... I let Vic move in with us, but let me explain!" I held up my hands defensively.

"Oh, honey! There's no need to explain," she laughed, "You're both in love and want every moment together, I get it. I'm okay with it but do his parents know that he's living with us?"

I turned to look at Vic who looked at me, "I don't... have parents."

My mother's expression saddened, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it," she gave Vic a comforting hug.

"It's fine, ma'am, really. I came here to look for them and I'm thankful I did, if not then I would've never met Kellin," he held my hand and smiled.

"I'm so glad to have someone else with us, let's go home so that we can prepare ourselves our first family meal!" She said excitedly, "I can't wait to tell you guys how my trip was."

I loved my mom so much, I couldn't let Gerard take her away from me just yet.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Sort of a filler chapter, sorry! This story is almost coming to an end, along with the other one I'm writing. I can't wait to get started on new stories, I'm also making a sequel for this one.

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