Chapter Eleven

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*Vic's POV*
It was strange seeing him change emotions so quickly, he didn't seem so upset anymore. We talked along the way to the mall, asking each other small questions like what was our favorite color, movie, icecream, even though I already knew some of the answers and I'm pretty sure he did too.

We arrived at the mall that looked pretty big. We got out of the car, this time Kellin skipped to my side, he locked his fingers with mine and kissed my cheek. I couldn't help but blush under his touch. He led the way inside, asking if I wanted anything in particular. I looked around, this place had 7 floors full of stores. It was brightly lit and it had escalators along with stairs and elevators.

"I thought we were going to get you some icecream," I reminded him.

"I realized it was too early to eat something sweet so we'll eat something else for brunch later."

"Okay, anything you decide, darling."

When he looked back at me his eyes seemed to sparkle under the mall lights, it made his eyes look more beautiful than ever.

"I like it when you call me that," he said shyly.

"I like calling you that," I said, "Now where is my sunshine going to lead me now?"

He giggled at my corniness, "I'll take you around to some stores I know. Remember, you can take anything you like."

It felt strange not having to do anything and let him provide for me. I wanted to spoil him too someday and I was determined to find a job. I don't know how I was planning to do that but I'll figure something out.

He started walking to some stores, buying me some shirts, jeans, shoes, sweaters and jackets. I let him choose some outfits for me, he had a pretty good taste. I was headed towards the next store when I heard Kellin lightly squeal.

"What is it?" I asked.

He shook his head, "It's nothing, let's keep walking."

I could see the evident blushing on his cheeks and I looked back behind me to see what he was looking at. It was a store that sold lingerie and on the display mannequin it showed a black kitty outfit. Kellin was into these things? Well, that was interesting.

I smirked, "So, where is my kitten leading me now?"

As if his face wasn't already red before, he turned even redder.

"W-What are you t-talking about? I told you we're g-going to find some s-shirts or something," he stammered.

It was adorable seeing him nervous over something so innocent as a kitten kink, I loved it. We went inside this store and he gave me a few items to try on so I went into the fitting room. I was surprised this place wasn't packed but then again it was rather early. Something crossed my mind and I let out a small, devious smile.

"Hey, Kells, you mind helping me? I can't seem to get this tie right."

He opened the door, "Wow, you look amazing!"

I held his hand and pulled him in the small fitting room with me, "We need to close the door you know, we could be blocking someone's path."

"Y-Yeah, you're right."

The small space in between us made him nervous as he tried to do my tie with shaky hands. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me.

"Is there something wrong, Kells?"

"No, n-not at all, why do you ask?" he looked up at me with his big eyes.

I leaned in and kissed him softly. He let go of my tie and wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer to him. He deepened the kiss, he parted my lips and I felt his tongue slip inside. I tasted his sweet, minty breath as he continued to kiss me. I took over, letting my tongue inside his mouth as we continued our make-out session in the fitting room.

For a moment, I'd forgotten we were even in a public place. Kellin ran his fingers through my hair and lightly moaned when I nibbled on his lip. I remembered he had left me a hickey from the other night so I kissed his cheek, then his jaw, then down to his neck.

His breathing hitched and that was when I knew I had found the right spot. I made small circles with my tongue and sucked on his neck. He let out a gasp as I left one hickey after another. He let out small moans and I felt him squirm under my hold.

All too early, we heard someone knock on the door.

"Hello? Is there anyone in there?" A female asked.

I quickly let go of Kellin who looked flustered as he quickly fixed his hair.

"Yes, there's someone in here," I answered.

"Okay, call for me if you need any help!" She said cheerfully.

I looked back at Kellin who was staring at his neck in the mirror.

His eyes widened, "Holy shít, Vic. If I didn't know better I would've thought that you were a vampire that tried to suck the life out of me."

"I don't think you would've minded, you seemed to enjoyed it," I winked at him.

"S-Shut up," he smacked my arm, "Now let's go before the manager comes or something."

We were at the register getting ready to pay when the girl who interrupted us in the fitting room spoke, "Hey, next time, could you guys be a little bit more quiet? I don't want to get in trouble and I know you guys don't want to go through embarrassment."

Kellin's cheeks flushed pink again and I chuckled, "Sure thing"-I looked at her name tag- "Lynn."

"No problem!" She said cheerfully, "Feel free to come back anytime, it gets pretty lonely around here."

I looked around and she was right, it was pretty empty in here.

"There's no other workers?"

She shook her head sadly, "I haven't found the right people to work at my store."

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets, "Y-Your store?"

I looked back at Kellin who looked as shocked as I was, "I-I'm sorry, I didnt mean to disrespect your store, I'm truly sorry."

She laughed, "Don't be silly, been there, done that."

I gave her a questioning look, "You've made out with someone in the fitting room?"

"Well duh, you gotta do risky things once in a while. I like to live dangerously," she giggled.

I looked back at Kellin who was still beet red, "Kells, want to get a head start on the next store? I have to ask her something."

He looked up at me and nodded. He quickly left the store and onto the next, I looked back at Lynn.

"I don't know if I have the right to ask but do you think you can give me a position here? I'm in need of a job."

"I thought you'd never ask, when do you think you can start?"

"In about three to four weeks until Kellin goes back to college, you think you can hold that spot for me till then?"

She pursed her lips, "Sure, just bring in an identification and you're all set!"

The blood drained from my face, "I-I don't have any identification."

"You weren't born here?"

"I guess you could say that."

She thought for a minute, she leaned in and whispered, "Lucky for you, my girlfriend is great at making identifications."

She gave me a big smile, this girl in an angel on earth.

"Really? Would you do that for me?" She nodded, "Thank you so much, I swear I'll repay you someday."

"I know, I know, I'm the greatest person in the world, now go on and catch up with your boyfriend."

She gave me a card with her number on it and headed out with a big smile on my face, I couldn't wait to tell Kellin.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
Lol this chapter is so bad I just wanna bury myself into the ground. Anyway, please leave a comment or read my other Kellic fanfic called, "You Look So Pretty When You Can't Find Your Grave."
Thanks, love you guys!

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