Chapter Twenty One (Pilots)

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Ignore the pun, it's horrible.

*Kellin's POV*
Having Vic live with my mom and I was better than I thought it would be. She enjoyed having him at home, claiming it was like she had a second son. Turns out that the treasure chest I found in the attic the other day had board games so we ended up playing board games every Friday.

My mom didn't have any problem with Vic and I sleeping in the same room as long as we didn't do the hanky panky, I giggled at the thought.

"What's so funny?" Vic asked as he poked my side, we were in bed and tonight we were watching Pirates of the Carribean.

"I still can't over the fact that my mom said hanky panky, it's so funny!" I laughed even harder the more I thought of it.

"Your mom is an amazingly funny woman, I admire her, you know," he chuckled as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Speaking of mothers, I'm surprised Lynn hasn't called us. Should we go visit her?"

It's been almost two weeks since we've heard of her and it was unusual because the week after we left she would call us everyday.

"Why not now? Let's give her a surprise visit," he suggested.

"Race you to the car?" I challenged.

"You're on."

We parked in front of her mansion and saw that it looked surprisingly... vacant. Vic and I looked at each other confused as we walked up the stairs to their doorstep and rang the bell. We waited a few minutes and rang the bell again.


"This isn't normal..." I said as I checked to see if the door was open and it was.

Vic lightly pushed me back as he walked in first, cautiously looking around. I jumped a little when we saw a maid coming towards us.

"Ah, I knew you guys would come, I was starting to think you guys forgot about my mistresses," she had blonde hair and was dressed in the typical maid clothes, "You guys probably don't remember me but I'm Jenna," she smiled.

"Hey, Jenna. What happened to Lynn and Alexa?" Vic asked.

"I don't know but they left you guys a note," she reached for her apron and took out a fancy, sealed envelope, "They told me to give this to you, it explains everything."

"Thank you, Jenna," I said as we walked towards our car.

Once inside, we opened the letter and I began to read aloud:

"If you're reading this letter, it's because you decided to check up on Lynn after she suddenly stopped calling you daily. She's fine, I promise but I'm currently being searched by someone who I call my nemesis. I knew Lynn would be her first target so I had to take her away and to live with me at another place. I apologize for not being able to tell you where we are, it's for our safety. She finally started presenting pregnancy symptoms, I'll try to keep you updated on that. Lynn told me to tell you guys that she misses you like crazy and hopes to see you again someday.

~ Sincerely, Alexa & Lynn."

I looked at Vic who was just staring into space, "I won't be able to see the baby grow..." He mumbled.

"Oh, Vic," I hugged him and rubbed his back, "I'm guessing you feel horrible but she promised to keep us updated. Think about the safety of the baby."

"You're right, we'll see Lynn again someday, right?" He asked.

"That's right."

~Fast forward to 10 months~
With the false identifications Alexa got for Vic, he found a job at a clothing store. I was at my third semester of college and everything seemed to be going perfect. Gerard and my mother had a happy relationship, I was studying, and Vic had a job. Yup, life was perfect.

I was going through the mail when I found a fancy envelope, just like the one we last received. Vic was in the kitchen making lasagna and I ran towards him.

"Vic! They sent another letter!" I handed it to him as he excitedly opened the letter.

Inside was a picture of a baby girl, the letter wrote:

Hey guys!
I present to you, Taylor San Roman Gunnulfsen. Isn't she beautiful?! She looks so much like Vic, just like we hoped she would. I managed to convince Alexa to let me write the letter this time since she's so boring when writing letters. Anyway, Kellin I wish you were with me during my pregnancy, it was a wild rollercoaster ride but it was all worth it in the end. I wish I could go visit you guys but the coast still isn't clear and we have to remain hidden. We can't make much contact but I'll try to write to you guys as much as possible. Vic, take care of Kellin or I'll personally go up to you and beat you up.

~ Love, Lynn & Alexa.

Vic admired the picture, "She's... She's beautiful."

I smiled as I saw his eyes glisten at the sight of the precious baby girl, "That's because you're the father."

He lightly smacked my arm, "Help me make dinner, your mom should be coming home soon.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
The next few chapters will be time lapses with letters from Lynn and Alexa. I hope you guys don't mind since the story is almost coming to an end ;-; after this one ends, I'll have a short sequel with Kellic fluff.

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