Chapter Thirteen

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*Kellin's POV*
A few days had passed by and I loved every moment I had with him. My mom would call occasionally, telling me what Spain was like and asking me if I was okay. I was more than I okay, I had my ideal boyfriend with me.

"So let me get this straight. I'm your long distance boyfriend from Mexico who managed to fly here to Michigan to be with you since my parents kicked me out for being gay. Is that correct?"

I nodded proudly, "Kells, you're insane."

"It's not like you have a better idea," I pouted, I thought it was a great idea.

"How about this, I moved from San Diego to find some kind of long lost family here in Michigan. We met at a cafe when you started college and since I was spending too much money by living in a hotel you decided to let me live in the guest room," he crossed his arms on this chest and gave me a smug look.

He was right, his idea was definitely better than mine and more credible too. I turned my back to him, crossing my arms just like him.

"Oh, Kitten, don't be like that," I felt him come closer and he hugged me from behind as he kissed my cheek.

I liked it when he had these cute nicknames for me; Kells, darling, kitten, just anything really. Sometimes he would even call me marshmallow but I didn't know why. I couldn't stay mad with him for too long, he was just too adorable.

"You're lucky that you're cute," I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We haven't attempted anything after the incident in the fitting room, just a few small kisses here and there. I was still embarrassed about it but what can I do? My hormones had a mind of their own.

I didn't know what would happen when I went back to college, what would Vic do? I couldn't leave him on his own, he would be all alone with nothing to do but he did mention something about working with that Lynn girl. What if I took him to college with me? No, then he would end up meeting Justin and Mike.

I'm not going to lie, Mike was attractive, he was the bad boy I wanted. Justin was a hopeless crush I had since throughout all our friendship I thought he was straight. I think my gaydar is broken. I only wish I could remember what happened the other night, I wouldn't let Justin explain because I knew he had a bad habit of "adjusting" stories to make him look innocent. Mike on the other hand, well, I think Mike just didn't care.

Vic was in the kitchen making popcorn and I was in my room looking for a movie. We haven't gone out after that day at the mall, I had the fear of seeing Mike or Justin but Vic didn't know that. He didn't seem to mind saying home anyway. I was looking for the Coraline movie, one of Vic's favorites when the bell rang.

"I'll get it!" He called out from downstairs.

Wasn't it too soon for the pizza to come already? Oh well, I'm not complaining, it's never too soon for pizza.

"Hey, Kells? Can you come down?" A hint of worry in his voice.

I quickly ran down and stopped dead on my tracks. It was no other than Mike standing on my doorway.

"What do you want?" I said rather harshly.

I took a quick look at Vic and Mike, they looked so much alike that they could've been brothers.

"I brought the pizza you ordered but I also need to talk to you." I just realized he had on the uniform from the pizzeria.

"Don't you have a job to do?" I muttered.

"Fūck that, I need to talk to you."

Vic just stood there, looking at Mike with a confused expression on his face.

*Vic's POV*
I opened the door to find the delivery guy with our pizza. I was about to take the pizza when he asked if Kellin was here. I was going to say no, but I wanted to know what this guy wanted so I called out for Kellin.

Based on Kellin's reaction, I'm guessing this wasn't good. I looked back at the pizzeria guy, we had a lot of the same features which only confused me even more. He actually looked like he could be related to me, did Kellin use him as an inspiration to create me? I felt sick to my stomach, I think I was going to throw up but I couldn't leave Kellin on his own.

"I don't want to talk!" He shouted, he covered his face with his hands as he started to cry.

"Get. Out." I growled at him.

He raised his hands, "Woah, take it easy buddy, I'm only here to talk."

"I'm no buddy of yours, now get out," he was starting to get on my nerves.

"I'm not leaving until I talk to Kellin."

"Why do you want to suddenly talk to me after, oh, I don't know, a whole month?"

"I wanted to make it up to you, I didn't know it was your first time, I swear! I was drunk, I don't even remember half of it but I do remember you approached me."

How dare he accuse Kellin? He was under the influence of alcohol, that doesn't justify him to just have sex with him. I had enough of this, I punched his jaw and he ended up on the floor. I was going to beat the shit out of him when I felt Kellin pull me back.

"Vic! It's not worth it!" He pleaded.

He basically hugged me, something that surprisingly calmed me down significantly. I grabbed the pizza box that dropped on the floor and threw the money at the delivery boy.

"Keep the change," I seethed and slammed the door shut.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
I'm actually kind of close to delete this story tbh. Anyway, please comment or read my other Kellic fanfic called, "You Look So Pretty When You Can't Find Your Grave." Thanks, love ya!

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