Chapter 7

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Unknown's POV

"Hello, Mrs.Young?" said the voice over the line.

"Yes, that is me. To whom am I speaking?" I questioned into the phone, making sure to keep my professional manner.

"This is James Potter, son of Fleamont and Euphemia." Said the voice.

"I do not wish to affiliate myself with you scum." I sneered into the phone.

"I just wanted to advise you that your daughter Destini is hanging out with a- a- mudblood named Brianna Maples, and a half-blood named Cj Grant." James said into the phone stuttering over his words.

"Thank you very much, son." I said before hanging up, there was  no way my daughter was going to be a blood-traitor.


Rae's POV

"Rae!" Cj screamed.

"What?" I said whipping around. Before she even said anything I saw what she was talking about.

"Destini Rae Young!" boomed the voice of the woman behind my friend.

"Hi mum." I squeaked.

"Who are these two lovely girls? I see they are not in Slytherin." My mum said in a fake innocent voice.

"This is Bri." I said gesturing to Bri. "And this is Cj." I gestured to her.

"And what might these girls blood status' be?" My mum asked me sweetly.

"Bri is muggle born, a Cj is a half blood." I said boldly.

My mom didn't even flinch as I stood up and got in her face.

"I've heard of Cj here, her mum was killed, lucky my husband took the job, no one wanted anything to do with a muggle lover." My mom sneered right at Cj.

Cj's filled with tears, but her deadly gaze was focused on the Gryffindor table. I watched as Cj got up wiping her tears.

"James Potter you UNBELIEVABLE ARSE!" She screamed. She got up on the table and threw a spell at him.

The spell hit James square in the face, he was thrown against the ground and unconscious.

"YOU LET HIM DO THIS!!" She sobbed.

"Cj, calm down." I said grabbing her arm and pulling her to me. She collapsed against me crying.

"Mum I don't care what you think of my friends, I want you to leave. Don't worry about my coming back for Christmas, or for summer. You can send my things here if you want." I spat at my mother.

"Well, I came here to tell you about your engagement." My mum said excitedly.

"I'm not engaged, or going to be engaged, to anyone. Leave." I said my anger boiling.

"And tell your husband he can rot in hell." Cj said to her with the most anger I had ever heard.

"I will not be spoken to like that!" My mother said to Cj.

"Well I think you just were, bitch." Bri yelled at her.

"You are being married to Regulus Black, he's only a year younger than you. The marriage will be during the holiday break." My mother glared at me. "Don't let your family down, or we will disown you."

With that she turned and walked out.

"Bri, take Cj over to McGonagal, I'm taking James to the hospital wing." I said sighing.

Bri grabbed Cj's shoulders and led her to McGonagal who was waiting with open arms.

I walked over to James unconscious body and levitated it. I started to walk to the hospital wing with James in toe.

"Rae we didn't-"

"Shut the hell up, Black. You meant it." I snapped, tears brimming my eyes.

I handed James over to Madame Pomfrey who immediately started fussing over him.

I walked out and headed to my dorm to get Cj her cigarettes.

Third Person POV

"Miss.Grant, after talking to you I realize that your spell was an anger outburst, therefore you will not be serving detention but you will be taking a calming draught." McGonagal said to the girl in front of her.

"Thank you Professor." Cj said.

Her and Bri left, and went to find Rae.

"Guys!!" Rae yelled.

They looked over in the direction of the voice and ran to their best friend.

"I'm so sorry, Bri, I know this is all so hard for you. And Cj, I had no idea that my dad was the one who killed your mum." Rae said before she finally started crying.

Rae handed Cj her cigarettes, but Cj tossed them aside and hugged Rae, Bri joined the hug as well.

"They went too far." Bri said.

"We should have just listened to you in the first place. We should have found another place to sit." Rae laughed.

"Hey, we're the Punks, we don't take shit from anybody." Bri grinned.

"What about this marriage?" Cj asked.

"What about it? Like I'm going to fuck baby Black." Rae scoffed.

"Your mum might force you." Bri pointed out.

"Then I'll run away, or even marry someone else before then." Rae said.

"No. Boys are stupid. I'm done with them. I can't believe Remus would just sit by, and let his friend hurt us, hurt you, like that." Cj said with this look of sorrow.

"I'm sure he has an explanation." Rae said.

"I'm not." Cj cried.

"Just go talk to him. He knows what he did but maybe talking is just the best thing to do." Bri said.

"Maybe later, right now we just need to focus on each other." Cj said hugging her friends again.

Sirius POV

"We shouldn't have done that." I said to James.

"Why?" James asked.


"Why didn't you tell us what you were going to do? I know what the feels like James, to have parents like that, who treat you like that. Parents who aren't actually parents. I NEVER would have let you done this if I had known." I spat at James before walking out of the hospital wing.

"Same here." Remus agreed before going after me.

"Me too." Peter said and he left, leaving James alone.

"I'm just so angry right now!" I punched the wall, and then I held my fist in pain.

"Go find her." Peter said to me.

"Let's all go find them." Remus agreed.

"Yeah," I said taking a deep breath. "Hopefully they don't hate us."

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