Chapter 22

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James' POV

Easter break was a big time for all of us, mostly because we were all going to stay at Sirius' flat.

Remus, Cj, Lily, and I all had rooms, while Peter and Bri were hitting the couches until we figured out how to expand the place.

We were mostly excited to feel what it was going to feel like to live in our own place together, and hopefully not get in fights.

The last reason I am excited is because Padfoot and I have planned our double engagement to Rae and Lily. Not only excited though, worried as well. It was so early for us to be engaged, but time is flying.

I packed my bags, excited to be with Lily for so long again.

"Yo, Prongs!" Sirius called. "Where do you want me to put your box when I get there?" Sirius said referring to the ring.

"Keep them in Remus' room, that way we cut down on chances of the girls finding them on us." I suggested.

"Good idea." Sirius agreed before looking for Remus.

I finished packing, taking everything with me so I could leave what I didn't want to bring back at the flat.

I went to the common room and put my bags in it.

"James! Can you come up and help me with my bags?" Lily asked me.

"Why of course."  I smiled.

I made my way up the stairs careful not to turn them into a slide and grabbed 4 of Lily's 6 bags.

"Thank you love, I was having a little trouble." Lily laughed.

"Are you excited?" I asked her, because I was bouncing off the walls.

"Yeah! I mean we aren't officially moving in but it's still such a big step." Lily was all smiles.

"Me too, I honestly can't wait to get there." I confessed.

"I can't wait for us to be living together." Lily winked before passing me on the stairs and going into the common room

"Tease." I chuckled.


Rae's POV

"Cj aren't you bringing anything with you? Do you even have enough clothes for a the whole week?" I asked her looking at her small purse.

"3 words. Undetectable extension charm." Cj smiled.

"That has to be lighter than my 8 bags." I laughed. "I packed a lot of my stuff at the beginning of the year, I didn't plan on coming back." I admitted.

"I don't blame you." Cj said understandingly.

We went to the great hall to meet up with everyone else, Cj took 3 of my bags.

Bri was there with her 4 bags already, along with Lily and James.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Being slow." Lily complained.

"Sounds like Sirius." I nodded.

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