Chapter 15

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"SANTA CAME!" Yelled Sirius in Rae's ear as he jumped up and down on her bed.

"Holy shit, okay, wait, Santa?" Rae asked, a bit puzzled.

"Um, yeah, it's this muggle legend that this old guy gives everyone presents for Christmas I guess." He said to Rae.

"That's insane. Muggles are absolutely insane." Rae laughed.

"INSANE!!" Yelled Sirius, making Rae laugh even more.

Rae quickly threw on Sirius' sweatshirt and chased him down the long hallway.

Sirius quickly stopped and Rae accidentally tackled him down.

"Follow me. We have to wake up everyone else." Sirius whispered.

The first stop was Bri's room. We quickly woke her up because it's impossible to sneak up on her.

We then headed over to Peter's room. He actually screeched when they woke him and Sirius and Rae laughed so hard they were worried they had woken up Lily, whose room was right next to Peters.

But when then went into Lily's room they had found that, like normal, she had woken up before any of them.

Their last stop was James' room. They had a plan, Sirius had heard of a muggle prank where you stick some ones hand in warm water and it makes them pee, so they decided to test it out.

They opened the door and snuck up to James' bed, but were surprised when they found him, and a topless Lily instead of just James.

The plan had changed between Sirius and Rae who decided to just dump the water on them instead.

Lily screamed and covered herself with the blanket, and James woke up quickly, putting his glasses on.

"So I see you guys received your Christmas gifts to each other a little early." Sirius pointed out.

"Sirius Orion Black get the hell out before I make you bald." Lily said threateningly.

"Not the hair!" Rae exclaimed, giggling afterwards.

He yelped and ran out, but Rae stood there with her arms crossed.

"I'm very disappointed. You guys and Remus and Cj did it before Sirius and I, who would have ever guessed?" Rae said frustrated.

"I did! James, Remus, and Sirius all owe me 10 sickles." Peter laughed from the doorway before running when he saw Rae going after him.


Rae's P.O.V.

I watched from my seat on the couch all the commotion all around me. People ripping open packages, laugher, movement, sound. It was all super busy.

I sunk into the couch and sipped on my coffee. Sirius came and sat down next to me, handing me a small gift.

"I know I already got you all those clothes earlier, but I found this and had to get one for you." Sirius said.

"Sirius, you know I hate when people spend-"

"I know, I know, but you'll love it. I promise. Now open!" Sirius retorts.

I opened the package, ripping the paper at the seams; I hate ripping off in an unorganized frenzy. Inside the red paper was a cream colored box. I opened it to find a charm bracelet that gleamed in the Christmas lights.

Tears came to my eyes, and I don't know if it was laughter or just how moved I was by this gift.

The first charm was a pen. Every Pureblood child is given one when they turn 10. It represented how we both came from the same background. The second charm was a snake, representing my sorting. The third charm was a paint brush, to symbolize the first time he developed a crush on me, when I was drawing. The fourth charm was a witches hat. I laughed for a minute, remembering what this was for. The punk's first prank was gluing McGonagall's hat to her head. The fifth charm was a kitty. He must have remembered in first year when I got Salem, which is surprising. The sixth charm was a quill, I remember this as well. Sirius had been teasing me all day for using a muggle ballpoint pen, so I snapped his quill and told him, and I quote, "mine doesn't snap that easily". The seventh charm was a cupcake, representing not only my awesome baking skills, but that cupcake that drugged him into admitting he has a crush on me. The eighth was an owl cage, most likely representing the one we locked him and his friends in. The ninth one was an engagement ring, representing when he first kissed me, when my parents had me engaged to his brother. The last one was probably my favorite, though. The tenth charm was a dream catcher, because of the nightmare I had gotten and he had scared away.

I hugged Sirius and kissed him. He helped me put on the bracelet. The gems on it glimmered black, silver, and green in the light. The other color I didn't notice at first though. Each charm had a red gem on it somewhere, representing the bit of Sirius that it added to me.

I gave him his gift, which I apologized for multiple times, because his gift made mine seem pathetic. I had framed my picture I drew of him at Hogsmeade, on our first date, with a poem. The poem was short but I liked it. "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind".

"A muggle wrote that quote." I said.

"You kept the picture you drew of me?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I had it just kind of on my nightstand in my dorm but I decided you should have it." I said quickly. He didn't like it and now I was so embarrassed.

"It's the best gift anyone has ever gotten me." Sirius said in awe.

I smiled and kissed him again. All my fears of my gift being crap fading away.

Sirius grabbed my hand and we just sat like that for awhile. It was calming to be able to be here for Christmas. The last time I had celebrated Christmas was 1 year ago with my parents. I had come home and it was terrible. I ended up writing Dumbledore begging for someone to come take me back to school.

"Merry Christmas, Rae," Sirius said giving me a kiss on the cheek,

"Merry Christmas." I smiled before cuddling into his shoulder.

Cj's P.O.V.

This Christmas was going better than any Christmas I had had before. We all had a special breakfast my dad made for us. Then we played LIFE, where Remus kicked both mine and my fathers asses.

We then started exchanging gifts. Right now my dad was busy opening his gifts from me and Remus. I had opened all mine and was happily looking at the new books my dad had gotten me.

Remus got down on one knee so he would be at the same height as me, then grabbed one of the books and read the summary. He then set the book down and grabbed my hand.

"Cj, I love you more than anyone I have ever lived in my life. You help me see who I really am, and not what I think of me. You understand me. You not only understand me, but you TRY to understand me. I have been changed for the better by you and I can't imagine ever spending another day of my life without know you are always right by my side. You have stuck by me through thick and thin and that doesn't happen often for me. So Cadence Jeannette Mix-Dean, will you please agree to spend the rest of your life with a crazy person like me?" Remus finished and my tears were flowing from my eyes. He let go of my hands and got a box out of his pocket, inside was my mothers engagement ring.

"Yes. Of course, yes, yes, YES!!" I said fanning my tears with one hand and holding out my other. Remus slid the ring on my ring finger. It was a little tight but nothing magic couldn't fix.

Remus and I kissed, but stopped when we both remembered my dad was there.

"We, finally you worked up the balls to ask her." My dad laughed. We all laughed with him and I stared at the ring.

"I'm so happy I'm spending the rest of my life with you, you crazy person." I said to Remus before kissing him again.

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