Chapter 20

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Cj was faced by her finacé as the moon glowed through the small barred window.

"I'm so sorry." Remus said.

He started changing, in front of Cj. His legs seemed to snap to reform, his face crushing and reforming. Cj couldn't watch him go through the pain, but very soon there was a whimpering werewolf in front of her.

"Remus. Remus it's me. Remus are you okay?" Cj asked her finacé, very concerned.

She was answered with a growl as the werewolf raised his head.

"Remus." Cj choked, tears starting to spill from her eyes. She knew she had lost her finacé somewhere in the wolf.

The wolf raised his paw and Cj quick turned her back and tensed up, the claws swiping down across her back.

Cj was weak, but she concentrated.

"Wandless magic Cj! You can do it." Bri encouraged her friend in hushed whispers.

Cj worked on it, the werewolf getting closer to her, but then he started to go away, and curl up to sleep.

"It worked!" Cj said with joy. "We're going to be okay." She whispered to Remus.


The next morning, Cj woke up at 5:00, Remus staring at her from across the cell.

"I hurt you." He said pointing to the blood on the ground next to Cj.

"Just a scratch on my back, you did very well." Cj reassured.

"I'm a monster, I hurt the one thing I love most." Remus whispered.

"PSST!" Bri, Cj, and Remus all twisted their heads around to see James and Lily.

"We are going to get you out of here, but we have to do it really quickly. On the count of three we are going to blow the locks off of your restraint and then make a run for it, in case we wake someone up." Lily whispered.

Lily positioned herself at Bri's chains, and James, at our cell.

"1," said Lily getting ready.

"2." James said point his wand at the cage. Remus picked up Cj because she was too weak to run.

"3!" Lily shouted as the both blew the locks of their restraints. Then making a run for it down the dungeon, and out a drainage hole.

They are out on the Malfoy's property.

"We have to go, apparate!" James yelled.

"Cj is too weak." Remus said.

"We have to take this risk." Lily reassured.

Remus closed his eyes and apparated to Hogsmeade, where they were met by Rae, Peter, and McGonagal.

"Hurry up people, we need to get these kids to Madame Pomfrey." McGonagal said.

Remus' POV

I looked at Cj, who was sleeping. She was my world. I was so in love with her. I had to let her go though. She saw the monster I am, I hurt her. I love her so much I can't put her at risk by being with me.

"Remus?" I heard a mumble.

"Cj? You're up!" I said.

"Yeah, you saved me." She smiled.

I frowned, I didn't save her. "I'm killing you, you are now going to have permanent scar on your back because of me. I can't be with you because I am going to hurt you again and I can't hurt you again. I love you too much to let it happen."

"You-Y-Y-You're lea-Leaving me?" Cj sobbed.

"I have to." I responded before walking away from her, and not turning back.

I went back to the dorms, hoping for some alone time, but of course my friends were all waiting for me.

"Remus, your back! How are you?" Sirius asked right away.

"Go away." I mumbled, walking past them and up to my dorm, where I closed the curtains on my bed and layer there listening to the silence for a long time.


"That bastard. I'll kill him." Rae said angrily after listening to Cj tell her what happened.

"I don't want to talk about it, okay? I just need some time alone to digest it." Cj said to the wall as she laid in her bed in her dorm.

"Okay, but I will be fighting him if you need me too." Rae promised. Cj didn't laugh or look at her though, so Rae left.

Rae went on a search for Sirius for answers, but Sirius had no idea that had happened. After Rae told him, he told her that they need to make it straight.

"Tomorrow night, you and I are getting our person to the three broomsticks, dress Cj sexy." Sirius said.

"You sure?" Rae asked.

"Once they talk about it, they will realize this was dumb." Sirius assured.

"If you say so." Rae smiled.

"Hey, if we ever do something this stupid, make sure our friends do the same for us." Sirius said to Rae.

"We're too damn stubborn, they wouldn't be able to." Rae laughed.

"You're right." Sirius laughed with her. They both went to classes, with their plan for tomorrow already brewing and planed. No way we're those two broken up.

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