Chapter 14

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James P.o.v.

"Food. Where's the food?" I crinkle my nose, looking around the room through my glasses.

"Shouldn't we be looking for the girls? Not the . . . Food?" Remus questions.

"Ah . . . Right," I furrow my eyebrows searching the room. "I bet we look jaw dropping, mates."

"Sure we do . . ." Sirius glances around the room, his eyes suddenly widening. "But not as jaw dropping as them."

All of our gazes land on the four girls who have just entered the party, our jaws instantly hitting the floor.


"PETER! You look absolutely dashing!" Bri exclaims, leading the girls over to us.

"Why thank you, lovely," Peter responds, kissing her on the cheek.

I can't even move, still stunned by Lily's beautiful dress and her beautiful face-

I suddenly feel a fist hit my shoulder, "Are you alive in there, James?"

"Now I am," I reply, smiling.

"Right . . . " Lily trails off. "So, where's the food?"

I roll my eyes,"That's what I said!"

Sirius' p.o.v.

"You're doing this to me on purpose, aren't you?" I ask, clasping my hands together with Rae's.

"And what exactly am I doing to you?" Rae asks, smirking.

"You're very good at this, aren't you?" I imply.

"Good at what?" She replies,  dropping my one of my hands and gripping the other and pulling me to the middle of the room.

"You know what's fun? Dancing. Do you know what you do at parties? Fun things. So, therefor the logic implies that we should dance."

I raise my eyebrows," Sure you're not a Ravenclaw?"

"Positive. Just using my knowledge and ambition to get you to dance with me," She replies.

When we reached the center of the room I spun Rae around smoothly and then held her close as we started waltz with the music.

"Wow, all those years of teaching us Pureblood kids how to dance really does help." Rae laughed.

"Yeah, it is quite fun watching Moony stumble around with Cj, though," I reply, making Rae chuckle.

"I heard that!" Remus shouts from across the room.

"Of course you did," I mutter, spinning Rae, then dipping her.

A small squeal escapes her mouth, retreating as I lift her back up.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" She breathes out.

"Of course not, love. Just making sure you know what I can do," I reply and wink. Rae's face suddenly turns red as a fire truck, eyes darting around the room, catching Remus' disgusted face.

"I don't really think this is the place for that sort of language, darling," Rae remarks.

"What is the kind of place is the place for this kind of language do you think then, sweetheart?"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough," I raise an eyebrow.

"Is that so?" I say, dragging her to a corner.

"Very much so," She boops my nose, making my face scrunch up. "Food sounds nice, let's get some."

She drags me to the food table, quickly grabbing up crackers and cheese. I stare at her, almost laughing. She's so concentrated on getting equal amounts of cheese and crackers.

"I can feel you staring at me," She mutters, picking up two more slices of cheese.

"Oh, I'm just admiring your organization when it comes to food," I reply, laughing quietly.

"Right, sure . . . " she mutters.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS PETER? YOU SLEEZEBAG!" Bri's voice rings out, followed by a reverberating slap ringing throughout the room.

Cj and Remus stop dancing, staring at the couple. Lily runs after Bri as she darts out of the room, James just staring ahead. And well . . . Let's just say a cracker gave up it's life to a dirty wooden floor.

"Well what are you all staring at?" Peter yells, storming out of the room.

"Uhh -"

"Lily will handle it. Let's just . . . enjoy the party," Rae sighs, setting down her plate with an exasperated sigh.

"Is there something wrong, love?" I ask, placing my hand atop of hers.

"No . . . It's just that there's always something that seems to go wrong." She says, glancing at the floor. "I better go figure out what happened with Bri."

She plants a kiss on my cheek, then turning away and chasing after Bri, Cj following soon after.


Rae's P.O.V.

"He was all over another girl! I thought he liked me, he kissed me and I told him I would be his girlfriend, I messed up!" Bri cried.

"No, this little fucker isn't doing this tonight." I said getting up and storming out looking for Peter.

I went down the hall into the party, I saw Peter trying to stay away from his friends. I marched up to him.

"Peter what the hell did you do?" I growled at him.

"Nothing! Nothing, I swear. This girl kept trying to get me to dance and she was hanging over me and hugging me and being clingy. I couldn't shake her." Peter defended.

"You better be telling the truth, you break Bri's heart, I'll break your collarbone." I threatened.

I walked away and looked for the girl that was hanging on Peter.

"Hey bitch." I greeted.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" She asked.

"No, but you were hanging all over my girls man. You fuck with her man, you fuck with her friends. I will personally make sure 3 girls with no fear will hunt you the fuck down and make your life a living fucking hell." I threatened before grabbing a glass off the table and throwing the punch in her face.

I went back to Bri and told her the whole story. She started to clean herself up and get ready to go back, when Peter came out to the hallway.

"Can we have a minute alone?" Peter asked.

"Of course." Cj said.

I started to protest, I wanted to see this but before I could Cj summoned the invisibility cloak and threw it over us.

"I'm so sorry." Peter apologized.

"Me too, I should have trusted you." She apologized.

"If it makes you feel better I called her a skank." Peter chuckled.

Bri laughed out loud, "Yeah, it does make me feel a bit better."

Peter wiped a tear from her cheek and left his hand to linger on her cheek. He leaned down and kissed Bri softly.

"Would you like to go back to the party?" Peter asked, extending his arm for her.

"Why certainly." She said grabbing his arm and they went back to the party happy.

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