Chapter Two

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Third Person p.o.v.

"You really think you're going to beat me? I win every year." Rae smirks, crossing her arms and facing Cj while Bri just rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, but that's only because you push me over the last second! I rely completely on speed." Cj replies, narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Why do we even do this? It goes the same every year. You guys act like you're not going to run for it, then you do, and then you push Cj, Cj chases you onto the train, you guys bust up into a compartment, and stare at each other intensely until you end up laughing. Which, by the way, your record is a high of 3 seconds."

"Ah, the Hufflepuff begins to learn the ways of Ravenclaw observation," Cj sates and dramatically drapes her arm over Bri's shoulder.

Rae notices this as an opportunity, quickly sprinting through the wall. An ironically unobservant Cj snaps her head towards the wall, angrily snatching up her things and dashes after her. Bri just sighs once again, laughing to herself and calmly walking through the wall after her insane friends.

* * *

Bri boards the train, frantically searching for her friends who were much farther ahead of her. She soon stumbles upon them, along with four others. The Marauders.

"Last time I checked, your names weren't engraved onto this compartment," Rae snaps, her face getting red while looking them all dead in the eye.

"Do you think that matters to us? Our compartment. Move." A boy with black hair and glasses responds, slightly raising his chin, she recognized him as James Potter.

"I'd like to see you make us." Cj says, sending daggers with her eyes. If looks could kill.

Bri quickly rushes up to the group,"Or, guys, we can just move. I'd way rather just move and avoid this whole argument. Please?" She chimes in, smiling hopefully albeit nervously.

"Oh, a Hufflepuff? What are we missing? We've got a Ravenclaw, a Slytherin," James snorts along with most of the group, Raes eyes narrowing,"And a Hufflepuff. OH, I KNOW WHO YOU'RE MISSING! Only the best house."

"You're really asking for it, aren't you? Just leave us be. There is no point to this." Cj responds to his egotistic and rather insulting statement.

He seems to want to snap back, but decides not to at the last second.

"Alright. Fine. Goodbye." And with that, him and the rest of his crew walk to another compartment.

Bri slides into the compartment and they all settle down.

"Can't believe that just happened." Bri mutters.

"What? Those guys had no right . . . " Rae says, huffing and looking at the floor.

"No, not that. Those guys were the Marauders," Bri says.

"The Marauders?" Rae and Cj ask simultaneously. "Those twats made a name for themselves?"

"Knew they looked familiar . . . I couldn't quite put my finger on them, though. Only knew one of the little twats personally. Besides our constant butting of heads obviously." Rae sneers.

"You actually know one of those ass-wipes?!" Cj exclaims. "I used to have no problem with them but as time has gone on they all just piss me off."

"Yeah, he's a pure blood, had a family like mine. Potter, I've heard about them from my parents too, apparently they are 'blood trading scum'." Rae explained to the other girls. Rae's eyes widen a little bit as she comes to a sudden realization. "Guys, those are the boys we've been pranking back and forth since literally first year!"

"What?" Bri and Cj ask in confusion.

"Yeah! Don't you remember? There was the exploding food prank in the Great Hall, followed up by pushing their mattresses out onto the lake! Then there was worms in our spaghetti . . . an then we put cockroaches in their sweets! I can't believe we had forgotten about them . . . "

"To be fair, they were pretty dormant last year," Cj counters. "I wonder why that was . . . anyway, I don't like how they treated you Rae, just because you're a Slytherin. It doesn't matter, being anything besides a Gryffindor does not make us inferior to them, and they are not Gods." Cj said angrily.

"Treating me like I stupid just because I'm a Hufflepuff?! Yeah, I may be peaceful, but I will break you into pieces if I have to!" Bri ranted.

"Look, just shake it off guys. The Marauders are no where near as amazing as us. We are the Punks. We are in every way better than them because we have a bit of everything. Plus, we have even invented our own potions and spells. They have nothing on us." Rae said motivationally.

Bri and Cj nodded in agreement, smiling smugly.

"Yeah, I agree with you. But there was just something about how he gave up so easily . . . I mean, he wouldn't just let us win. Right? It wouldn't make sense." Cj aks. The group shrugs, leaning back on the seats. "Game plan. Avoid those assholes at all costs the rest of the year. Should be easy, none of us are Gryffindors."

"That, and we seem to have mostly avoided them for the past 5 years," Bri offers.

Though, what the girls didn't know, is that wasn't completely true. Each of the girls had their own stories to share . . . but that's for another time.

"Yeah, but I have a feeling they aren't going to make themselves avoidable so easily . . . " Rae trails off.

"What do you mean by that?" Bri asks.

"She means," Cj starts off,"That I was right. They aren't going to let this fly. We should keep an eye out for anything . . . pranky, for a little bit. Agreed? No time for personal spats in war."


And the rest of the train ride is filled with jokes and laughter, and the impatience of arriving to Hogwarts.

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