Chapter 25

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James' POV

"I want you all to consider joining the order of the Phoenix. I've seen your interest and all of you in this room have fought Voldemort." Dumbledore said to us.

We all were taken aback by the offer. We had all planed on joining but to be asked to join like we were needed. Like we were super important to the defeat of Voldemort, it was special.

"We would I be honored." I spoke up for the entire group.

"Great! We will keep in touch. I will tell you guys about the first meeting when it happens." Dumbledore said seriously.

We left and walked down the hall. My arm went around lily shoulders as we all headed to Gryffindor tower.

"So it's the last couple days of school. We need to go out strong." I started.

"Way ahead of you. Remus and I have something big planed." Cj smirked.

"This has to be good." Sirius grinned.

Sirius' POV

"How in the world?" I asked when I saw the giant chess board.

"You have to play to get across. There is no way past it." Remus explained.

The large board was place in front of the staff room. The pieces were each larger than us.

"Is it dangerous?" Asked lily.

"It can be if you lose. I mean its dangerous to be around exploding chess characters." Cj shrugged.

We all hid behind a suit of armor and waited as the teachers slowly gathers by the staff room.

"Last day of school. You would think they would take some pity on us." Sighed professor sprout.

We watched as the teachers played the best game of chess we had ever seen. Dumbledore enjoyed himself all too much though. He ended up congratulating us and was very impressed.

As for the rest for the school everyone had taken one from The marauders book.

Just like at the beginning of the year when James and I died Cj's hair red everyone's hair resembled their house.

It was quite a sight. The Slytherins sporting neon green hair, as the hufflepuffs looked like a poor bleach job or a bright yellow highlighter.

Most of the people loved it. But some people were worried about how long their hair would remain colored.

Of course we made it temporary. Their hair all changed by lunch. We had all started packing. It was weird. Not leaving my posters or even my things I never took home here. The dorm was too clean when I looked at it. My bags pack and ready to be taken to the flat.

Everyone packed. Cj's trunk was slipped in her bag that had the undetectable charm on it.

It was weird, looking at Hogwarts. Walking through the halls. It was different. We weren't just leaving for the summer now. This was it. All that's left of school.

Cj had silent tears as she left the halls. She even said goodbye to the knocker on the Ravenclaw door. Bri payed her tributes to the giant squid before leaving the Hufflepuff dorm.

"We are old." Rae whispered to me.

"It weird isn't it." I asked.

"Too weird." She sighed. "Hogwarts was my home. This is all too fast."

But we departed with the school. Walking out of the entrance hall and started towards hogsmead. Rae took my free hand as we walked down the paved road. From my flat you could see Hogwarts to the north. It's grand and extraordinary beauty was what made me buy a flat in hogsmead.

When we got to the flat we all split up and unpacked our things. I was the first done because I never folded my clothes.

I ordered dinner from the HogsHead and set up the table for everyone.

"What smells so good?" James asked walking out to the dinning/ living room.

"Food." I laughed.

We all sat down and started to eat. Everyone slowly leaving their rooms.

"So how are we going to get any private time now?" Cj laughed.

"You guys didn't have any problem after NEWT testing when you were super drunk." Lily teased.

Remus blushed, and Cj smirked "Well I meant for like relaxing and being alone, but know we all know where your mind is." Cj teased.

James smirked.

"James Fleamont Potter wipe that smirk off your face you made her that way." Rae laughed.

"We should totally have a housewarming party. Invite family-" I made a protest "that hasn't disowned us. Gosh Sirius wait to second. And just other close friends." Bri suggested.

"That's not a bad idea actually. I could invite Andromeda and my little cousin Nymphadora. Ted too." I said.

"I'll invite my parents and my aunt who just so happens to know about me because I made a tree grow in front of her when I was 10." Bri chuckled.

Everyone agreed that a house warming party would be loads of fun. After dinner Cj and Remus went to go disapparate to Cj's house to get her things. Then go to Remus' to grab his.

James, Lily, Bri, and Peter all did the same leaving me and Rae in the house alone.

"Are you going to go back?" I asked Rae, rubbing her back.

"I have to don't I?" She sighed.

"We could break in. I'll help." Rae smiled and hugged me.

"I don't deserve you." She said.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. She closed her eyes and then after a few seconds we in front of a large farm style home.

"The window on the top floor on the left side of the house, closet to the back. I need you to levitate me in there." Rae whispered.

We Snuck around to the back of the house as quietly as we could. I waved my wand and Rae started going up. When she got the widow she unlocked it with a simple charm and climbed inside.

After a couple of minutes she poked her head out the window and leveraged down three large bags. Then sat in the window ledge and nodded to me.

I levitated her down and we grabbed the bags and apparated back home.

We landed with a soft pop back in the living room. Still the only ones there.

"Why don't we take care of these bags and then take advance of the fact we are the only ones home?" I winked at her.

She laughed. "Home." She she sighed contently. "I like that."

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