They Just Keep Coming

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Hello everyone! It is story time! So a couple things before I begin.

First, I am not Rick Riordan and thus do not own the characters. This is the only time I will be saying this. Capiche? Good.....

Second, yes this has Chaos and his army. No , this will not be like The Broken Hero. Nor will it be like a normal Chaos story. As many of you know I like to throw my own twists in to make a different story. If you are a first time reader of my stories, this will be different, well different than any I have read and I have over 200 Percy Jackson fan fics in my library. I am kinda obsessed right now. Moving on....

Third, in my last story, Broken Loyalty, I asked for ideas. I got three! All of them were excellent ideas, but with school on it's way I can only write one. Also because of school that starts on the 19th my chapter releases will get farther spaced once that hits. For the next week I hope to have one chapter out per night, but you never know I might put two out depending how busy I am.....

Now to the person who gave me the idea for this story....Aries-22! This is their idea...After the Giant War the gods thinks he is too powerful and a threat to them all, even Poseidon. They included the demigods to agree but I put a little twist on it to fit with the story, hope you don't mind. To continue, the gods erase his legacy and made it look like someone else did it. The demigod's get their minds erased and Percy is locked up. Hestia doesn't agree, but has no choice to let it happen. I added a few more than just Hestia. Years later they need him in another war. That was the idea that was given to me and the idea that I tinkered with to make this story. Thank you Aries-22, I hope this story goes in a way that you will enjoy!

So here we are again, the start of a new story. In the next hour the first chapter will be put up!

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