Hayes Grier Imagine- Chapstick Challenge

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(Requested on Tumblr. Hope you like it!<3)

          "Hey, guys! So today, I'm here with my adorable and beautiful girlfriend, y/n!" Hayes says to the camera. "And we are doing the Chapstick Challenge!" you announce, smiling. "Ok, so basically, we are going to take turns putting on a different kind of chapstick. We have to kiss the other person, and they have 3 chances to guess the flavor of it. The loser has to be the winner's personal assistant for 3 days!" he exclaims.

          "Ok, so we each went to the store and bought different kinds of chapsticks. I'm going to put 5 kinds on first. Hayes is going to cover his eyes while I'm putting it on," you explain. Then, you shove a pillow over Hayes's face. "Hey!" he shouts. You giggle before putting on your first flavor. It was Double Mint Softlips. "Ok, you can take the pillow off your face now," you say. He takes it off and then kisses you, determined to guess the right flavor.

          "Mint," he immediately says. "I gave you an easy one!" you say, nodding. "That made my lips tingle," you giggle, while he places the pillow back on his face. You wipe your mouth, and put on a Chocolate Covered Strawberry Revo. Hayes takes the pillow back off and kisses you again. He pulls back, thinking for a moment. "Chocolate?" he guesses. "Yeah, but there's one more," you smirk. "Come here," he says, kissing you again. "Cherry?" he guesses. "Nope! One more try," you say.

          "Strawberry?" he asks. You nod. "Yes!" he shouts, fist pumping the air. "Oh, hush it," you say, and put the pillow back on his face. You wipe off the chapstick then apply a Pomegranate eos. He removes the pillow from your face and then you kiss him. He thinks hard for a minute, licking his lips. "Blueberry?" he questions. "Nope," you say. "Um...grape?" he asks. You shake your head no, "Final guess," you say. "Um. Raspberry!" he shouts. "Sorry, babe, no," you laugh. He pouts, looking at the camera.

          You both wipe the chapstick off. He puts the pillow back on his face while you put another flavor on. It was Smores. You take the pillow off his face and lean in to kiss him. He licks his lips, thinking. "Chocolate," he says. "That's one of the ingredients in it," you smirk. "Brownie?" he says. "Good guess, but no," you say. "Wait, it tastes like marshmallow, too. Chocolate and marshmallow.....Smores!" he shouts. You pretend that he's wrong.

          "Liar!" he exclaims, looking at the chapstick label. "Ok, you got it right," you sigh, pouting. "Yes, yes, I did," he smiles, kissing your cheek before covering his face again with the pillow. You wipe the flavor off and put on Green Apple. He takes the pillow off and kisses you again. "Strawberry?" he guesses. "Nope," you say, popping the p. "Banana?" he questions, lifting his eyebrow. "Nah uh," you say. He licks his lips again before saying, "Green apple."

          You pout, and he pumps his fist. "Yes! I got 4 out of 5 right! Now it's y/n's turn to kiss me!" he shouts. "You're such a weirdo," you laugh, covering your face with the pillow. He puts on Root Beer flavored chapstick. He takes the pillow off your face and kisses you. You lick your lips, concentrating. "Um, Cherry Cola," you guess. He shakes his head. "Dr. Pepper!" you exclaim. "Nope," he says, grinning. "But, that tastes exactly like Dr. Pepper! Um....Root Beer?" you say. He nods.

          "In your face!" you say into the pillow. He laughs, wipes his lips on his shirt, and puts on Peppermint. You kiss him and pull back. "Peppermint," you say without thinking. "Yeah," he says, wiping it off. "Wow, my lips are burning!" he exclaims, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. You giggle and he stuffs the pillow over your face. "Hey!" you shout into it. He puts on Raspberry Lemonade then kisses you.

          "Um, that's definitely raspberry," you say, smacking your lips. "That's one of them," he smirks. "One of them? Blueberry," you say. "Nope. It's a type of drink," he says. "Lemonade. Raspberry Lemonade," you exclaim. "Yup," he says. You smile and put the pillow back over your face. He cleans his lips then applies Strawberry. He kisses you and smirks. "That's some kind of berry. Strawberry," you say, biting your lip. "Yeah, babe," he says.

          He puts on Coffee flavored chapstick. Once he kisses you, your eyes light up. "That's coffee!!" you shout, jumping off the couch, "I love coffee!!" He raises and eyebrow at the camera. "She's like this everyday," he chuckles, and you hit his arm, laughing. When the pillow is on your face, he puts on Skittles. You kiss him, thinking. "It tastes fruity. Kinda like candy," you say. "Starburst?" you guess. "No, but that's close," he replies, "It's one of your favorite candies." You shout, "Skittles!!!" He laughs and nods.

          "Yes! I got 5 out of 5 right!!! Hayes is now my personal assistant!! For 3 days!!!" you yell, laughing. "Yeah, yeah. We get it," he says, pouting. "Aww, it's ok, babe. You're just jealous that I won. And you have to everything I tell you to!!!" you laugh, kissing his cheek. "Ok, guys, so this is a wrap for today's video! Make sure to like and subscribe to mine and y/n's channels!! Keep watch for our next video where I'll be y/n's personal assistant! Bye, guys! You're the best!" he exclaims to the camera. "We love you!" you shout, making a heart with your hands.

          You end the video and plop down on the couch. Hayes just slouches on the couch, pouting. "Aww why are you upset, Hayes?" you ask. "Cuz I didn't get a kiss on the lips from you," he pouts. You laugh and move closer to him, looking into his adorable blue eyes. He bites his lip, smirking. "Here's that kiss you wanted," you breathe before leaning in to kiss him. Your lips lock together and move in sync, sending sparks through your whole body. "Are you still mad that I get to boss you around?" you smirk against his lips. He replies, smiling, "Nah, I'm up for anything, as long as I'm with you."

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