Cameron Dallas Imagine- Pregnancy Stress

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Requested on Tumblr. Hope you like it :D

          You were 8 months pregnant with your's and Cameron's baby. You couldn't believe that in only one month, you would be able to hold your little baby boy in your arms! "Y/n, the boys will be here soon!" Cam calls up the stairs, breaking your trail of thoughts. You were really stressed out lately, and you didn't know why. Your hormones were going crazy and you felt so tired. Your back killed, the baby kept kicking, and your bump was huge.

          Cam also noticed that you have been really off, but decided not to mention it because of your mood swings. He was going out on an edge by inviting all the boys over while you were stressed out. You heard the front door open and heard a bunch of loud voices. 'Yay, they're here,' you thought, slowly getting up off the bed.

          You waddled down the stairs to see them all sitting down in the living room. "Hey, babe," Cameron says, walking up behind you. You jumped from your stress, but took a deep breath when you realized it was just him. "You okay?" he questioned. "I'm fine," you say, walking into the living room. "Hey, y/n!" all the boys chorused. "Hey," you wave, without your usual perk.

          Within minutes, the boys raided the fridge, messed up the whole living room, and blasted music. They were all dancing crazily and laughing. You didn't know where Cam was and you bit your lip, nervously. The music was extremely loud and you covered your ears, wincing. You started to look for him, but ended up tripping over a discarded pillow.

          You stumbled, but caught yourself, scared the baby would get hurt. "Cam?" you called, receiving no answer. Then, at that moment, all your stress hit you like a ton of bricks. "ENOUGH!!!" you shouted at the top of your lungs. All heads turned to you, and the music stopped. Your lip started trembling and you put your hands on your baby bump, gently.

          "Coming through!" you heard Cam call. He started pushing through all the boys to get to you. "I can't take it anymore," you whimper. Your eyes filled with tears, and you burst out crying. You slowly lowered yourself onto the floor and curled up into a ball, crying. Cam ran up to you and knelt down next to you. "Everyone out!" he shouts, pointing towards the door.

          All the boys rush out, and he focuses his attention back on you. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he asks, concern showing on his face. He pulls you into his arms, and rubs your back, helping the pain. "I-I can't take i-it anymore," you cry, "I-It's so stressful, and I j-just wanna h-have this baby already." Cam wraps his arms around you and picks you up, bringing you to your shared bedroom.

          He lays you down on your bed, and strokes your hair. "I know you want to have this baby and trust me, I do too. But we have to be patient. He'll come out when he's ready. I know you're stressed out, but it'll be okay. Just calm down. Take deep breaths," he soothes, wiping your tears away. You immediately calm down from his touch.

          "I'm gonna run you a hot bath, okay?" he says. "T-Thanks, Cam," you say, sniffing. "Hey, I want to see a smile," he says. You bite your lip beginning to giggle, then you smile. "There's that beautiful smile," he grins, "Listen, I'll be right back, but I want you to relax." He walks into your bathroom, and you hear running water. You smile thinking, 'How did I get so lucky?'

          You strip your clothes, and put on your bathrobe. Cam comes back in and sweeps you off your feet, carrying you into the bathroom. Your jaw drops open when you see what he did for you. He filled your jacuzzi with hot water and rose petals. The mirror was all steamed up and you saw that he had wrote, 'I love you and our baby boy<3′

          Your heart melts and you rest your hand on your stomach. Cameron wraps his arms around you, putting his hands over your's on your baby bump, and resting his head on your shoulder. "I love you so so much," he smiles. "I love you, too," you smile. He spins you around and looks into your eyes. He kisses you gently, but passionately. His eyes are filled with love and joy. Then, he kneels down to kiss your baby bump. "We're gonna be the best family ever."

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