Jacob Sartorius Imagine Series- Magcon Tour Part 4

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          After the event, you guys all hang out again. Little do you know, something big is about to happen. Dinner is being brought out and you guys all sit down. Bart congratulates you an being an official member of Magcon. After eating, the guys start to ride their hover boards. You've never ridden one before and you were about to when Jacob comes up to you.

          "Hey, y/n. Is it alright if I talk to you alone?" he asks, hesitantly. "Sure. Is everything okay?" you question, concerned. "Yeah, everything's fine, I just need to talk to you," he says as you go into a separate room together. "Listen, y/n, from the moment we met, I saw something in you. I knew that I had to get to know you. So that's why I invited you to come hang out with us. I got to know you and you are an amazing, beautiful person," he says.

          "From Day 1, I knew you were going to change my life. Everyday I hear your voice, it makes my day and it always will. And it hurts to see the other guys flirt with you. I get jealous," he admits, looking down at his feet. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really like you. You give me a reason to smile. A reason to do what I love. A reason to live. And I know we've only known each other for 4 days, it feels like a million years, but I'm hoping we can be more than friends. Y/n, will you go out with me?" he says, rubbing the back of his neck, sheepishly.

          You blush deeply and your heart skips a beat. "Jacob, I really like you, too. Of course I'll go out with you," you reply, hugging him. He smiles and hugs you back. "So are we keeping this a secret?" you ask. "We should tell the guys first. We'll give hints to the fans and eventually tell them at an event or something," he responds. "Do you want to tell them now?" he asks and you nod. You walk out together and tell everyone you have something to say.

          "Um. Y/n and I are dating," Jacob says. Everything is silent and then the guys erupt in a chorus of cheers. "Finally!" Taylor shouted. "We thought it'd never happen!" Cameron yells. You both grin and laugh. The guys all come to give you a friendly hug. "Hey, y/n! Do you want to see this trick I learned?" Cam asks. "Sure," you smile. He takes his hover board and gets on. He does a triple spin before back-flipping off and landing flat on his feet. Your jaw drops open.

          "Wanna try?" he teases. "Um...I've actually never ridden a hover board before," you admit, sheepishly. They all look at you, surprised. "I can teach you," Jacob offers. You nod shyly and he puts his hover board in front of you. "Ok, step on one foot at a time. Make sure your feet are equally balanced," he explains, "Here, take my hands." You grab his hands and he helps you on. Sparks fly through your body. You blush and balance yourself.

          "Now, riding a hover board uses your mind. You basically think of where to go or turn and your hover board moves that way," he says. "Go forward," he commands, still holding your hands, You slowly wobble forward. "Keep moving," he talks, walking with you. "Now turn left," he says. You wobble, nervously, "Don't worry, I got you. You're not going to fall. I won't let you," he soothes. You successfully turn and even spin in a circle.

          Within 10 minutes, Jacob has you riding like a pro. "Thanks, Jacob," you say. "No problem, babe," he grins, making your heart flutter. The boys all wolf whistle and take a pic of you two. "Oh, and guys!" you start, "Try to keep our relationship on the DL. We're not going to tell the fans yet." They all nod and promise not to say a word.

          For the next part of the tour, you and the guys are going to New Jersey. You go back home with your parents and spend 2 days with them before hopping on a plane to New Jersey. Everyone meets at the hotel before unpacking, relaxing for a bit, and going out to dinner. At Chipotle, you steal Jacob's phone and post on his Snap Story before going to his Messages and clicking your contact.

          "Jacob, why is my contact name in your phone 'cutie💘'?" you ask. He rubs the back of his neck before saying, "Well, that's the nickname I called you when we first met, and it suits you." You blush and smile. "Hey, guys, we should get back for sound check," Taylor says. You all leave and go back to the hotel. It's the same routine except this time, one of the songs from your YouTube covers plays. It's a song you love and know by heart.

          "Hey, y/n, Bart has a question for us about the merch," Cameron says. "We'll be right back," Jacob says. Then, you're alone with the music still blaring. You let your foot tap to the beat and you grab a mic. You turn the vocals on the song down and replace them with yours by starting to sing. Little do you know, the boys come back in laughing, but they go silent when they hear your voice. You continue singing, too absorbed to notice them.

          When the song is over, you open your eyes to see them all standing there. Your jaw drops open. And then they do what you least expect. They clap. Then, they start cheering and jump onstage. "Y/n, we didn't know you could sing!!" Cameron shouts. "That was amazing!!" Taylor exclaims. You blush. "Babe, you're a really talented singer!" Jacob smiles. "Thanks," you say, blushing even harder. "I'm getting Bart!" Aaron shouts before running out of the room.

          He comes back a minute later with Bart in tow. "Y/n is an amazing singer," Carter tells him, "Sing him something." You sing a quick part of Love Yourself by Justin Bieber. When you finish, Bart looks impressed. "Wow you are really good," he says, smiling. "Can she please perform at the events?" Cameron asks. "Please?" Aaron begs. All the guys make adorable puppy faces. "Fine. Let's see how it goes today," Bart replies. 

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