Bleeding Tears (Sam Winchester/Dying!Reader)

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Sam Winchester/Dying!Reader Fanfiction

"Sammy!" You scream, feeling the blade sink deep into your stomach.

"NO!"  Sam bellows, pulling at the restraints that bounded him to the wall.

The demon sneers, twisting the blade before pulling it out completely. His eyes are pitch black, as he slams the blade in you chest, making you scream once again.

"Poor, poor, Winchesters." He laughed, pulling the knife out "You can never seem to get a break!"

The demon turned to Sam, swirling the bloodied knife in his hand as he crept over to him. Sam quickly raised a handcuffed hand, pulling the demon out of the poor man. The demon choked and sputtered as the black smoke flowed from his mouth, dispersing into the floor.

Sam snapped the leg of the chair that was holding him, and he crawled over to you. You barely hung onto life, you saw your reaper in the corner of your vision. You just had to tell Sam, to see his face once more, you couldn't die with this secret.


You held the tiny device in your hands, the two tell-tale strips turning your havoc life upside down. Your lungs clogged with happiness, but you were weighed down by horrid questions that you knew that you would have to face.

How was Sam going to react? Would he want to keep it? What about you, would he keep you? How could you let this happen? What would you do if he left? How are you going to care for a child?

You knew you had to tell him.

Sam grabbed the sides of your face, meeting your eyes with his.

"You're gonna be okay, you hear me!?" He said, quickly untying the ropes from around your arms and legs.

You grabbed his hands, forcing him to gaze into your eyes. You smiled weakly, the reaper nagging at the back of your mind.

"Sam....I....i'm..." You started.

" are not dying. Don't even say it." He said, resuming his work.


He locked his gaze with yours.

"I am pregnant." You sob, placing a hand on your bloodied stomach.

Sam seemed a taken back. He just sat there, frozen, but your reaper blocked him from your view as your eyes slipped closed.

"It is time to choose, (y/n)." A girl with dirty blonde hair asked.

"I don't want to leave him." Your voice cracks, looking down at Sam, who was trying to wake you up.

"If you come with me, you get to stay with your babies." She smiled.


Suddenly two children appear on either side of her, one boy and one girl. The girl has your hair color, while the boy has Sam's. The boy has your eyes and nose while the girl has Sam's eyes and nose.

"They? I was going to have twins!?" The thought excited you, but also saddened you.

"And if I stay?" You ask, afraid of the answer.

"Your children will cease to exist." She sneered.

"I think you know my answer."

Sam silently rocked your body back and forth, the pain and sorrow crashing over his body in waves. He placed a tender hand over your stomach. If he had only known you were pregnant, he wouldn't have let you come. To hell with getting Dean out of the fire, he was going to be a Dad.

He was going to have a normal life, he would have quit hunting, but once again, a demon crushed his dreams. This life, this hole he had gotten himself into, it was never going to give him a happy ending.

A cold hand touched his, and he glanced up to see you, but in your hands held the tiny hand of two children. Sam placed your body to the side, slowly standing up.

You smile, and the children follow your action.

"Bobby, Mary, meet your Dad." You say, releasing their hands.

Sam just stares as Bobby and Mary engulf him in a hug. With fresh tears streaming down his face, he returns the hug, gripping them tightly.

After a few seconds they let go, returning to your side.

"Twins?" He asks.

"Twins." You reply

"We'll be up in Heaven, waiting for you to come home." You say, disappearing up into Heaven.

"So looks like you could use some help." A female voice cuts through the silence.

Sam whips around, glaring at the demon.


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