Daddy 1/2 (Father!Dean/ Child!Reader)

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Father!Dean Winchester/Child!Reader Fanfiction

To Dean Winchester she was just a fling, something to ease off his usual frustrations with. The frustrations of hunting of course, plus his younger brother disobeying Dad's orders. A case popping up in her hometown, where she still resided in, was the work of the devil. It wasn't the only thing Dean wasn't expecting, the mutated monsters were one, but after 8 years of not seeing that same unimportant woman, he didn't want to see her. But the startling news she shared, he called it fake.

"You have to believe me Dean, you have a child with me!" The blond begged, hanging onto his coat arm.

Dean wished Sam would do his own shopping, instead of being the technology geek of the year. This lady was starting to attract to much attention, unwanted attention.

"I don't know who you are, but leave me alone. Crazy wack-job." He growled trying to shove the clingy prostitute from his side.

"You have to believe me, I'm begging you! Just listen to me! Her name is (y/n), she is 8 years old, and your daughter!"

This woman was like a tick, she just won't let go!

"There is no way in hell I have a child with you. It's probably one of the men you slide on into a car with, not me, that's not my style." Dean was tired, of his lady and this case.

It took three hours to get two things for Sam, and he didn't forget his pie.
Dean was more than thrilled when he left.

Three years later, he got an interesting phone call.

"Please help me!"

"Um, who is this?" Dean replied quickly pulling the Impala off the road.

"Please help me! Dean, there is a shifter in my house!" The woman wispered, trying to keep her voice down.

"Who is this?!" Dean was getting furious.

"I live at ____. Please hurry! I'm begging you!" She begged.

"I'll be there in a couple of hours, keep safe until I get there." Dean said, hanging up the phone, turning the Impala around.

With that he hung up and sped off, arriving there in a short 3 hours.

Pulling onto the curb, they both jumped out, racing into the house.

The smell hit them first.

The wretched smell of burnt flesh filled the air mixed with gasoline and boiled blood. Dean slowly made his way up the stairs, stepping over mutilated bodies.

Emerging into a huge room, the smell was the strongest here, with dozens of corpses piled onto the master bed.
Dean saw the familiar blond chick from three years ago, layed up against the closet door, a silver knife in her hand.

He turned to leave when a soft whimper came from behind the door.

Kicking the blond side, he readied himself, then threw open the door, revealing a child huddled on the floor, buried in a mass of clothes.

"Sammy!" Dean hollered, sending the Moose hurtling up the stairs.

Sam saw the small child, and bent down to pick you up, when you lashed out.

You sliced your knife in the air, a thin line of blood trailing where you had slashed into Sam's flannel shirt. Your black AC/DC shirt was slightly ripped, your blue ripped jeans now splattered in blood. Even the white skulls on your black socks were pink from walking around during the bloodbath.

Sam stumbled back, narrowly missing the silver blade as you tore it through the empty air, like a savage animal attacking when cornered.

Thankfully, Dean managed to rip the blade from your blood crusted hands, before you managed to tear through anymore flesh.

Your defence taken away, fear still clouded your judgement as you fell to your knees.

"Please don't kill me. Please don't. Please!" You wailed tears falling past thick eyelashes, mixing with the crimson floor.

"Hey, hey, hey." Sam said, pulling you into a hug "We're not the bad guys we're the good guys."

Your muffled sobs could be heard from Sam's shirt, as he petted your (h/c) hair softly. Pulling away from him, you rubbed the back of your hands on your face, drying them of the embarrassing tears.

"You must be the Winchesters, my mom called you, when the guy crashed down our door."You whimpered, crawling back into the dark closet.

"Do you have a Dad or Uncle we can call to come get you?"

"My Mom kept my Father's phone number on her phone. I've never met him but I guess he would answer. He's the only one I have left." You handed Sam the flip phone, who pressed call on the small device.

The dial tone echoed from the phone, until a unmistakable ring tone of Dean's phone rang out in the silence.

Stiffened, you watched as Dean reached into his pocket, answering his phone.


"Hello?" Your mother's phone echoed.

Sam's eyes grew wide as he stared open mouthed at his older brother.

"Daddy?" You questioned slowly crawling out of the closet

Dean looked horrified and ended the call, slipping the phone into his pocket.

"I'm not your Dad. Trust me. I'm not." He stated crossing his arms.

"Dean?" Sam questioned standing up suddenly.

"I'm not. HER FATHER!!" He screamed spit landing on your face.

Your face turned a eerie calm, like the sea before a raging storm, opening your mouth to speak, you wanted to argue with the man.

Unfortunately, the sound of all the windows in the house shattering simultaneously, drowned out your words.

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