Knight In Rusted Armor 2/2 (Sam Winchester/Reader)

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Sam Winchester/Reader Fanfiction

Even though Sam rode in the front seat every time he rode in the Impala, he decided to sit in the backseat with you. The air was thick and heavy as Gabriel seethed in the front, Dean shifting through his cassettes awkwardly.  

Your soaked (f/c) jacket was in a plastic grocery sack at your feet, Gabriel ruining the fun by chunking you in the ocean. Your (h/c) hair was plastered to your skull, it stiff and soaked with the sea water. Your shirt clung to your body, you staring out the window as Sam sat across the seat from you. 

You could feel his eyes boring into your body, his long legs cramped in the minimal leg room of the backseat. Glancing over, his face hinted a pink flush as he quickly turned away, suddenly very interested in the blurry trees flying by. 

You chuckled softly, rolling your eyes as you return your gaze back outside. 

Silly Sam. 

Gabriel flicked his eyes to you, his anger flaring as your thoughts invaded his headspace. 

How can the tall Moose like her. She was nothing like him, he could make Sammy's dreams come true, he could give him everything and then some. What could you, a lousy human, give Sam, a true vessel of an archangel. Nothing. 

You shivered, feeling his cold stare. With a audible sigh, you shrugged off his hatred.

It's going to be a long drive home. 



You instinctively nuzzled deeper into the warm body next to you, grabbing whatever cloth you could with your hands. 


"Shhh.. sleepy." You grumbled, a snicker echoing around you.

You were gently lifted from your seat, your legs dangling as someone carried you. 


Opening your eyes, you see Sam's sleeping face next to you, your arms locked around him as a thick blanket covers you. 

Your wet shirt was replaced by one of Sam's plaid long sleeves, your wet jeans removed and replaced with your (f/c) pajama pants. To your relief, you still had your undergarments on. 

Unfortunately, they were still wet, a slickly warm wet. You were nearly smothered by Sam's heavily long arms and the thick Sherpa blanket covering you two. 

You wished you could stay there, wrapped in his strong arms, listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart, or the soothing calmness of his breathing, but your bladder was begging to be empty, and you couldn't lay here forever. 

Squirming your way out of his embrace without waking the sleeping giant was going to be no easy task. This man was trained to be an light sleeper and even the slightest noise could stir him.

You first tried to lift his arms, but a sleepy grumble from the man quickly made you rethink it, gently letting his arms go. The second attempt was easier, you slowly inching your legs over the side of the bed, deciding to slide out from under him. The mattress groaned and his grip tightened, you holding your breath.

You slowly released your breath, trying again to slip out from under him. Your legs were off the mattress. Good. Now, for your body. He had a strong grip on the shirt, so maybe you could slip out of the shirt?

You slowly slid out of his huge plaid shirt, slithering out inch by inch, stopping periodically to make sure he was still deep in slumber. 

After what seemed like ages, you tiptoed your way to the restroom, your toes cold on the icy tile. 

Slipping back into the room, you see Sam sitting up, a half smirk on his face.

"Sleep well?" He brushed his hair out of his face, a slight blush on his cheeks. "Sorry about changing your clothes.. You just seemed so.. yeah. Sorry."

You smiled at him, crawling back into bed with him, soothing him.

"Sammy?" He looked at you with those sad puppy eyes.


"Thank you." 

He smiled, giving you a quick kiss on your forehead. It was your turn to blush, the feeling of his lips on your forehead still lingering. 

You both snuggled into each others' arms, Sam drifting off to sleep. 

Even though he was broken, it was okay. You were broken in your own ways, and if he wanted to continue with whatever was blooming between you two, you would happily accept. 

Just like a Queen, you would still accept a knight with rusted armor.  

Hey everyone!! And here is the long awaited 2nd part of this fanfiction!! Don't forget to vote if you want more fanfictions. But this one is done. I really didn't have a specific ending in mind, so it kind of wrote itself that way. Thanks so much for reading guys! Stay healthy and don't forget to wear your mask!!

-LunaMarie Wolf

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