You're An Angel? (Castiel/Reader)

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"You're a what?!" You repeat, staring at your husband. 

Castiel stands there awkwardly, leaning up against the dinner table. You sit in a faded (f/c) couch, eyes narrowed in disbelief at him.

Your husband, an angel? Was he serious?

You burst out laughing, doubling over as you gasped for breath. He just continued to stand, fiddling with his navy tie.

"Please, (y/n), I am an angel. This is no joke, and we are in danger. Please, we have to leave. " He pleaded, sliding to you.

You stared up at him, confusion plastered on your expressions. Your brow furrowed as he grasped your hand, pulling you to your feet.

"Castiel, why do we have to leave?" You ask, voice shaking in worry.

"Demons are after us." The phrase rolls of his tongue as if he has said it before.

Suddenly, the window shattered, and you fell to the ground, Castiel using his body as a shield. Pushing him off of you, you spring off the ground, seeing a bleeding man walk in through your window. 

"(Y/n)," Castiel said "get behind me."

You turn around, seeing his hand outstretched to you, becoming you to come to him. You turn back around, the bloody man grinning madly, his eyes pitch black. You slowly walk backwards to Castiel, hiding behind your husband. 

A silvery blade slips from his coat, while he lunges at the man, sinking his blade into the man's chest. You scream in horror as the man glows orange, slumping to the ground as Castiel withdraws his blade with a sickeningly squish. Turning around, you heave your dinner onto the newly cleaned carpet, wiping your mouth with the back of your sleeve.

Rubbing your back, Castiel helps you hobble to the couch, and when you looked back to where the dead man laid, you noticed his corpse was nowhere to be found. Castiel sits down next to you and you clutch his coat, sobbing into the fabric.

"I know you are confused, but I will explain everything shortly." He cooed, kissing the top of your hair.

"After rescuing a certain human from Hell, I became his protector, helping him along with his life. He fought many battles, sometimes him and his brother perishing in the process, but my Father brought them back to life. Sometimes I died too, but I would wake back up, fully healed and perfectly alive. This man I watch over, his name was Dean Winchester, his younger brother went by the name Sam Winchester, and they were Hunters. They hunt everything that scares humans, everything that isn't natural, some would call them supernatural beings. Dean and Sam were constantly at battle, whether it be themselves, or the puppeteers that controlled them." Castiel said, as your sobbing ceased.

"I left them for you, I saved you from the Demon that attacked you on the street. After saying I had to protect you, we soon got married, two years later. Now we are here, husband and wife." He whispered, picking you up bridal style.

While carrying you into the bedroom, you whimpered, afraid of the nightmares that would soon plague your dreams. Upon seeing you in distress, he gently laid you on the springy mattress. He let his trench-coat fall to the ground, followed by his tie, and his shoes. He covered you up with the huge comforter, crawling in beside you, clutching your body like you would disappear at any moment.

"I promised to protect you, and I will never break that promise. I will soothe your nightmares into dreams of happiness." He said, letting you snuggle up to him.

You closed your eyes, exhaustion overcoming your body, and you fell asleep, with Castiel following you into peaceful dreams.

You guys are amazing! This story as over 1.4K reads and 98 votes at this moment!This fanfiction is short, only about 610 words, excluding the Author's note. I hope you guys liked it! Anyway, hit that star if you liked what I wrote, comment if you got a question that is burning to be answered or have a request you are itching to read. 

Have a fantastic day my peeps!

~ LunaMarieWolf

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