Flames for a Singer (Sam Winchester/ Child!Reader)

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Information: Reader is 12 years old and is the daughter of Bobby Singer.

Sam Winchester/ Child!Reader

Flames. That's what you had remembered.

Heat searing your skin, drying your tears before even leaving your eyelashes. Burning flesh mixed with smoke, creating a foul concoction that tore through your sinuses, while you tumbled through your house.

Groaning, the house shook, threatening to cave in at any moment, trapping any life inside its flaming frame. Your (h/c) hair curled away from the flames, twisting higher onto your head as you screamed over the roar of the fire.

Racing upstairs, you crawled under your wooden bed, which was not engulfed in flames at the moment. You pressed yourself up against the wall, watching the flames inch across your floorboard, cowering once more as your door hit the ground.

Creaking filled your ears and you scrambled out from under it, just as it fell, landing on your leg. Crying out, you struggled to lift the bed, pain exploding in your brain while white blinded your vision.

You felt wood cutting into your flesh, blood beginning to drip from your leg as each struggle made the wound open wider.

"(Y/N)! Where are you!" A voice bellowed over the flames, making you stop for a second, straining to hear.

"Upstairs! Help!" You croaked, throat dry from the blazing heat.

A man in a black suit appeared, holding a gold pocket watch. He looked at it, before closing it and peering down at you.

"Your time is up, Ms. Singer. Please come with me." He spoke calmly, walking closer to you.

"What? How did you get in here?" You cried, trying to get away from the man.

Flames crept closer to you, so you lifted yourself a few inches off the ground still eyeing the suspicious man, but you halted as pain flared up your leg again. Your vision blanked as your hand slipped, making your body crash to the floor, head cracking against the hardwood floor.

Flames, heat, pain, and fear was what you felt, but upon opening your (e/c) orbs, you felt numb. White tiles covered the ceiling, and a steady beep told you that you were alive.

Twisting your head sideways was a difficult task, for it seemed you were weighed down by a unknown force. A figure slouched in a chair, head lowered in what seemed like a prayer stance.

"Sam." You croaked, watching the head lift at the name.

"(Y/N)! Thank God!" He cried, moving from his seat to clasp your hand with his.

"(Y/N)!" A voice called, and you turned, seeing a tattered ball cap upon a tired looking face.

"Daddy!" You groaned, pain returning to your body.

"Go, you idgit! Get the Doc!" He said to Sam, replacing his spot next to you.

"How? Why?"

"Shush, you shouldn't talk. Do ya remembered what happened?" He asked, holding your hand.

"The house, it was on fire! Is everyone alright?" You said, lifting yourself off the bed.

"Please, lay back down, Ms. Singer. It isn't good for your stitches, you could pull them out." A woman said, walking in with a clipboard in hand.

Sam followed behind, with a very worried looking Dean. Sam walked up to your bed, handing you a glass of water, which you chugged down quickly.

"It looks like you are okay to go." The woman said, starting to unhook you from the machines.

After redressing with borrowed clothes from Sam, you piled into the Impala with the boys and your Dad. You sat in the backseat with Sam, while Dean drove and your Dad sat in the front seat. You buckled your seat belt, with Dean scoffing in the front seat.

"With your recklessness driving, I need to buckle up in case you decide to do a doughnut in a field again." You smirk, Dean glaring at you in the rear-view mirror.

"You did what?" Bobby shouted, making you laugh as he continued to harp on the boy.

Yawning, you placed your head on Sam's lap, while he petted your hair. Ever since you were young, Sam acted like the older brother for you, sticking up for you, helping you practice hunting, and being your shoulder to cry on. He had fought alongside you, even though you were not as skilled as him, and he was much older than you. He loved you as a sister and you loved him as a brother, but nothing could break that bond. You closed your eyes, waiting for sleep to overtake you as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead.

"I always be there for you, (Y/N). I'll be your protector, even when the werewolves howl and the Vampires bite, I'll be there to fight them off, even after I stop breathing." He whispered as you drifted off into sleep, a whimsical smile upon your face.

To be truthfully honest, I did not expect this story to end this way. I just started writing and it just happened. Since this story has over 1K reads (have I ever said you guys are amazing?!), I have decided to update 3 times tonight, so sorry for the spam!

Don't forget to vote for the chapter if you guys liked it, comment if you got a question or a request (you can also request on the request chapter), and have a great day you amazing peeps!


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