Sing A Love Song (Human!Castiel/Reader)

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Human!Castiel/Reader Fanfiction

You briskly paced the hallways, every noise sending your heart rate skyrocketing. You had waited for hours, but not a peep was heard from the trio inside the room. 


You turned once more, retracing your steps as a pitiful wail slipped through the door's cracks. 

Two more hours passed through your fingertips, but you had become fatigued at the constant movement. At hour three, you tumbled to the floor, resting your head against the plastered wall of the Bunker. At hour seven you began tracing imaginary images on the floor, as swirls began to float into your mind. Finally at the 12th hour of feared waiting, the moans ceased, the door slowly opening to reveal Dean, this hands crusted with crimson. 

Iron claws gripped at your heart as Dean sighed, a glimpse of sorrow revealed in the emerald green of his eyes. It was quickly masked again, a smile dancing upon his lips. Your face instantly brightened, as a rock was lifted from your chest, making your spirit soar.

"He's gonna be out cold for a while. Might not be the time to talk to him though, he lost a hell of a lot of blood, and he's still a little woozy. Sammy's in there now, making sure the idiot doesn't hurt himself by rolling off the bed."

You gave him a rag, which you had not noticed was in your hand, which he happily took, wiping blood onto the oil-stained surface. You were still in the land of doubt though, for what would become of you if he died because of his own stupidity. A soft chuckle escaped the man as your eyes closed, earning the finger from you.

Your dream was a memory, a relapse of pain, fear, and death all rolled into one. Rage hung in the air as flames licked up the wrinkling walls, Sam being caught behind iron bars as the flames danced around him. Dean pasted in your mind, eyes pitch black, and soul twisted beyond recognition. Soft features hardened as a demon gripped him, slicing a blade through his neck, a waterfall of crimson following its wake. A crushed, rusted Impala laid in a ditch, a scrap of bloodied trench coat caught in between pieces of metal. Then a gravestone, slicked with rain and decorated with weeds and moss, faded letters carved into the rock.

(F/N) (L/N)

Loving friend, battles now in the pits of Purgatory

Born: (B/D)

Death: (Tomorrow's Date)

Shaken out of your nightmare, soft ocean eyes stared into you (e/c) ones, making you reel back in fright. You find yourself on the hallway floor, a very confused Castiel gazing down at you.

"You don't wake people up like that Cas, " You snap, "It's...... weird"

You sit up, random strands of (h/c) hair sticking to the ground. Castiel reaches to help you up, but before you are able to udder a word, the grabs your hand, a shock of static electricity sparking you both. 

You laugh at his face as he steps back in confusion. He hisses in pain before tumbling to the ground next to you, but you are instantly at his side, pulling him up off the floor. You stand up, pulling the ex-angel to his feet, half-ass dragging him back into the room. 

Upon entering, you see Sam passed out in a chair, doing his so called 'watch-duty'. You stifle a giggle and hoist Castiel back onto the bed. You were surprisingly strong despite your shape and the boys knew that you were the equivalent to three men when it came to hunting and fighting. Sadly, it was the only thing that had saved you when demons tore your family apart. 

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