Candy Store (Gabriel/FallenAngel!Reader)

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"Code red, dude. It's a code red!" Kari whispered frantically.

Sighing, you turn to her, "What's code red again?"

Gazing into a shoe store, you feel the burning anger off your newest friend. She grasps your shoulder, twisting you back around to her.

"It's that time of the month." She hisses, jabbing a slender finger in your face, "Plus, if you don't get me chocolate in the next five minutes, I'll turn demonic on your ass!"

You roll your eyes, which she sees, making her stomp her foot in anger.

"Look what's over there!" You shout unenthusiastically, with Kari whipping her caramel hair to look at the store you were pointing too.

There at your outstretched finger, was a candy store. Squealing, she pulls on your hand, dragging you helplessly to the store.

Kari barges in the door, speeding over to the chocolate fountains in the back. Standing tall and proud is four fountains, each labeled with what they have to offer; dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate and strawberry chocolate.

"What if I dip the strawberries into the strawberry chocolate fountain? Double strawberry flavor!" Kari screams, flipping her strawberry that was in her hand onto the floor.

You struggle to carry the bags through the door, the plastic and string handles digging painfully into your skin. Using an elbow, you manage to push the door open to fit you and the fifty shopping bags filled with crap.

A store clerk comes rushing to your aid, taking some of the sacks from your arms, then gently placed them in the corner. You set the rest down next to the others, turning to the man that had come to your aid.

"Thank you so much, sir!" You say, rubbing the red marks on your forearms.

Looking him over, his blond hair is neat, combed back while his red and white stripped shirt was wrinkled. A bronze name tag was pinned on his store uniform, a name etched onto the glossy surface.

'Gabe' The tag reads.

"Don't mention it, anything to help a pretty thing like yourself." Gabe replies shooting a dazzling smile, wiggling his eyebrows in the process.

You try to think of a sassy remark to reply with, but the words get caught in your throat, sending you into a coughing fit as you chock on them.

"You okay? Never had a guy flirt with you before?" He said, while you finished coughing.

"I've had a guy flirt with me before, I just couldn't think of a remark to say back." You laugh, leaning up against the white counter covered with assorted truffles.

"Gabriel! We have customers! You can't just go off and try to chat them up! I don't pay you for slacking off you know!" A gravely voice echoes from somewhere in the store, bouncing off the shelves.

"I should.. get back to work.." He says, slipping his hand into his shirt pocket.

"Okay, thanks for the help Gabriel." You say, while he pulls a slip of paper from his pocket.

Pulling out a pen, he scribbles something on a paper he fished from his shirt pocket, handing it to you before winking and rushing back to the counter.

Looking down, you smirk; he had given you his phone number.

"(Y/N)! GET OVER HERE!" Kari screams, making you groan before rushing off to help your friend.

Two hours and $400.00 later, you were exhausted from dragging the bags out the door. Kari was busy scarfing down the sweets she had just spent half of her monthly allowance on. Screeching tires made you whip your head up, seeing a car racing down the main stretch of the outside mall. You just had time to push Kari out of the way before the car rammed into you, throwing you across the pavement. Your body was going numb, while you felt a puddle forming beneath you, opening your eyes, you see two orbs of soft amber gazing down on you, rain falling down on your face.

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