See You In Hell (Demon!Dean/Reader)

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Demon!Dean/Reader Fanfiction

You stand at the crossroad, box in hand. You bend over, placing the tin box in the hole, covering it up with dirt.

You wait silently, but nothing happens. You curse into the night sky, but a cough makes you turn around. A man leans up against your car, buffing a spot on its black surface. His eyes are pure black and as he walks over to you, his spiked brown hair twitching in the wind. His eyes turn to an emerald green, as he walks around you.

"Hey, name's Dean." He says, extending a hand.

You gaze at it, then pull out a gloved hand, before shaking his. You peer into his eyes, (e/c) burrowing into his, as his eyes flick to black again.

"I though your eyes were supposed to be red?" You question, taking a step back.

"Ehh..we had a shortage, so I'm doing Crowley a favor." Dean growled, smoothing out his shirt.

"So, I have to come to make a deal." You say, faking a surge of courage.

"No shit, that's why you went through this trouble to do all this." He scoffed, pulling out a blade.

It didn't look like a blade though, it seemed like an ancient jawbone of some animal. It was a slick bronze color, with blood stained on the end of it.

You stared at it, eyes widening at the blood, Dean gazed down at it, then looked at you.

"Is that.....blood?" You ask, your voice quivering.

"Yeah, some douche jumped me at a gas station. I had to deal with him, but I'm not gonna hurt you." He said.

Dean raised the jawbone, then chunked it. It whizzed past you ear, and you turned around, seeing it burry itself inside the chest of a man behind you. You gasped, taking a few steps back, watching orange electricity crackle from his eyes and mouth.

Your knees were weak, but a strong pair of hands caught you before you hit the dirt. Darkness swirled at the corners of your eyes before clouding your vision completely.

"What do you mean 'you didn't make a deal?' " a rough, British accent cut through the darkness.

"Well one of those Abaddon groupies decided to pop in a visit when we were talking." Dean said, as your eyes flicked open.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to wake." A short man in a tux growled.

"I..." you started.

"So what's your bargain, sweetie?" The british man growled, raising a glass of alcohol.

"I want to live forever." You state, rising up from the mattress.

"Okay, squirrel, you heard the girl." The man said.

Dean walked over to you, then placed both hands on either side of your face. He leaned over, planting his lips on yours.

You moved your lips in sync with his as he deepened the kiss, pulling himself onto the mattress.

*Five Years Later*

You sat alone in your room, fiddling with a piece of string. You pull back the curtains of your window, peering into the darkness as another howl chilled you to the bones.

A tear crept down your cheek, as the scratching on the door increased, the door finally breaking down from the weight. You smiled, eyes flicking to black, as the hellhounds bounded into your room.

"Well, well, well. Look what the mutts dragged in." You sneered, grabbing a rusted blade.

Three hellhounds flinched as you whipped out the blade, shrinking back a bit. You twirled the knife around, teasing the hounds. The first one leapt, and you sunk the blade deep into its stomach. You dropped it to the floor, just as the next one attacked.

You dealt with that one, and dropped its carcass to the ground. You turned for the last one, but saw it had taken off. You chuckle, hearing the back door being open and Dean walks in.

"Hey (y/n), I'm finally home." Dean walks into the room, seeing the bloodied knife in your hands.

"What'd I miss?" He said, wrapping you in a huge hug.

"Love you." You whisper.

"I love you too, (y/n)" he says back.

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