Help Me! (Sam/Male!Child!Reader)

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Sam Winchester/Male!Child!Reader
Reader is the son of Bobby Singer and is 12 years old. He sneaks in the Impala while the boys are talking to Bobby and goes with them on a hunt. While on the hunt, Reader ventures into the Vampire nest and gets a nasty surprise!

This is my first time writing a Male!Reader story, so I'm sorry if it is disappointing any of you lovely Readers. Plus, thank you for requesting!

"How many times do I gotta tell you, boy, you are to young to hunt!" Bobby bellows as Sam and Dean walk into his house.

"Sam and Dean were younger than me when they started hunting!" You shot back, gesturing to the two in the room.

"That's because their Father was a jackass, if I had ever met one!" Bobby spat, glaring down at you.

"He's right, (y/n), we were forced into the life. Enjoy being a kid, we never got to." Dean said, trying to get you to understand.

"Fine then! I won't learn how to hunt," You growled, glaring at your Father, "but if I die by a Supernatural being, I'm telling you now, it'll be your fault."

Bobby's head hung as you stormed to your room, your face heating up in anger. Slamming the door after entering your room, you kick the bed before crumpling to the ground in pain. After the pain subsided to a dull throb, you heard Dean talking to your Father. Opening the door a crack, you listen to their conversation.

"I got a call from a hunter friend of mine. He has a nest he needs help taking care of." Bobby said.

An idea popped into your head, making you grin like a madman. Reaching under your bed, you grabbed the small backpack from under your bed, which contained 'Hunter' things you had borrowed from your Dad's stash.

You unzipped the bag, dumping the contents onto your floor, checking to see if you had everything you needed. A silver knife, a piece of an iron rod, a squirt gun filled with holy water, a canister of salt and a machete were placed back into the bag. You quickly slipped on your jacket, hearing the front door slam close, meaning the Winchesters were about to take off. Opening your window, you slung your legs over the side, leaping to the grass below. You landed perfectly, taking off to the Impala, backpack in hand.

Reaching the car, you snuck into the backseat, using your black jacket to blend in with the black interior. You laid in the floorboard as the clueless men entered the Impala, driving off the nest.

Happiness over powered the other worried emotions clouding your brain, you were finally going on your first hunt!


It seemed like an eternity before the car finally stopped, the gravel road jostling you around. Sam and Dean exited the car first, opening the trunk and digging around for weapons. Taking the chance, you slowly open the door, crawling out while the two chatted barely 2 feet away from you. Using the darkness to your advantage, you silently shut the door, making your way to the front of the sleek car, taking off into the house.

When inside, you slid the backpack off your arm, unzipping it and bringing out your machete. You rest the backpack on the fading walls, a single light blinking in the barren room.

Creeping you way around, you inspected the house, disappointed of the lack of action. A hand on your shoulder makes you whip around, a vampire leaning over you, as if showing off her sharp teeth.

You swing the machete toward her neck with all your strength, gasping as the blade gets struck between the vertebrae behind her throat. You let go of the blade, stumbling back as she screeches, two more appearing behind her. The other two advance you as you get to your feet, darting toward the door.

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